Disability Activists Hold Nationwide Protests of Proposed Medicaid Cuts

…nal organizers, Bob Kafka, came up with the name for our group, based on a running gag in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. In the week since the Washington, D.C. protest of proposed Medicaid cuts, disability activists across the country have organized local nonviolent protests, taking the message to key U.S. Senators, as well as other politicians and government authorities. Many of the activists are Not Dead Yet staff, Board members and advocates….

Do You Enjoy Martinis, Bloody Marys and Margharitas? You can Make Them Tastier AND Help NDY!

…rim of a glass is a task that can be difficult and sloppy. But I have good news. There’s a product hot off the shelves that can help you – and if you buy it, you can help Not Dead Yet! Earlier today, our friend, teacher, colleague, ally Paul Timmons made this announcement on Facebook: My son George Kasper‘s business venture. His Mother and I couldn’t be more proud. And…a dollar from every RimJob you buy is gonna go to Not Dead Yet…so…there’s that……

NDY Is Not Working in Coalition with the Family Research Council – And Here’s Why

…, but those groups came together through careful outreach, preparation and mutually agreed ground rules. Face to face meetings, if any, should be held in a neutral setting such as a hotel. None of this happened with FRC, yet our disability rights colleagues who received this invitation would have no way of knowing that. DREDF and NDY decided that we needed to communicate our concerns to those we knew who had received an invitation: We have heard f…

Mike Reynolds’ Op-Ed Published On the Eve of Maine Assisted Suicide Hearing

…rd in the Legislature in 2015 revealed that Maine does not have the infrastructure to provide care for individuals who have certain forms of neuromuscular disabilities and require the use of a ventilator. The only options then were care provided out of state. We have no business discussing assisted suicide when quality palliative care is not accessible across the state. With Maine finally expanding its state-funded healthcare to populations who ha…

Assisted Suicide Litigation To Be Filed in New York

…lationship and the integrity of the medical profession by eroding patient trust in the doctor’s role as healer;… – Whether physician-assisted suicide opens the door to the possibility of involuntary euthanasia, as has occurred in the Netherlands, because “what is couched as a limited right to ‘physician-assisted suicide’ is likely, in effect, a much broader license which could prove extremely difficult to police and contain,” Washington v. Glucksb…