NDY Comments On Adult Protective Service Guidelines – Assisted Suicide

…sted suicide later that very month. Middleton had named Sawyer his estate trustee and put his home in her trust. Two days after Thomas Middleton died, Sawyer listed the property for sale and deposited $90,000 into her own account. It took a federal investigation into real estate fraud to expose this abuse. Sawyer was indicted for first degree criminal mistreatment and first-degree aggravated theft, partly over criminal mistreatment of Thomas Middl…

NDY’s Public Comment on Affordable Care Act’s Nondiscrimination Regulations

…led that Haleigh Poutre should “pass away with dignity.” The day after the ruling the news was released that Poutre had clearly recovered some level of consciousness and she was transferred to rehabilitation. Jesse Ramirez was brain injured in a 2007 car accident in Arizona, which occurred during an argument between Mr. and Mrs. Ramirez. Mr. Ramirez was in a coma and doctors could not say if he would wake up. Nine days after the accident, Mrs. Ram…

Assisted suicide bills that have failed in 2016

…mony, a bill to legalize assisted suicide was unanimously sent back to the Rules Committee, killing the bill for the remainder of the year. Arizona – Similar to previous attempts to pass assisted suicide legislation, a new bill once again failed to get the support needed to pass the Senate’s Health and Human Services Committee. We also know that there was an informational hearing on assisted suicide held today in Iowa, and that some disability adv…

NDY Activists Deliver Counter to NY Assisted Suicide Proponents’ Lobby Day

…e time Kenny died in 2014, together with our teenage sons, we had come to truly experience the fruits of deep love and sacrifice. Physician-assisted suicide perverts the dying process and robs families of irreplaceable end-of-life opportunities. Through Kenny’s model of suffering and living his life out to its natural end, I have come to recognize that how we die is the culminating statement of our lives. Through it, Kenny taught the communities o…

Adam Prizio’s Statement at NY Alliance Against Assisted Suicide Press Conference

…es in the past five years. When the story of one of these deaths makes the news, it is of a murderer driven by the victim’s disability to take the victim’s life. Often, the crime goes un-prosecuted. The murderer, you see, has suffered enough. It is the pinnacle of victim-blaming. People with disabilities, and older adults, are significantly more likely than the general population to be abused or harmed by their families or caregivers. Disabled wom…