Webinar: Disability Perspectives on Assisted Suicide
Join Patients Rights Action Fund‘s next webinar! This webinar will feature prominent disability advocates discussing the implications of assisted suicide legislation on medical discrimination against people with disabilities.
In a stellar lineup, speakers Lydia Brown, John Kelly, Vincenzo Piscopo, and our own Ian McIntosh will collaboratively explore the impact that assisted suicide laws have on the disability community.
When: September 9th, 2022, 4 pm – 5:30 pm Eastern
Proponents work to expand assisted suicide laws every year, and 20% of the United State’s population has access to deadly drugs. Every year the issue of assisted suicide becomes more relevant to the general population; PRAF invites all people who want to improve healthcare to listen in on why assisted suicide has, does, and will continue to hurt people with disabilities.
As a staunch ally, consider inviting one friend to this webinar, especially if there are active bills in your state every session!
This webinar will include real-time closed captioning and will
be signed by an interpreter. If you have an accommodation request, please email ian@patientsrightsaction.org.