Response to Mercury News Editorial by Ex. Dir. of Calif. Foundation for Independent Living

Yesterday, I linked to an editorial from the San Jose Mercury News and commented on it.

Today’s paper features a response essay by Teresa Favuzzi. Favuzzi is the executive director of the California Foundation for Independent Living.


For the past few years the Mercury News has consistently opined for the legalization of assisted suicide. However, for the third time in as many years, this extreme legislation was rebuked by Democratic and Republican members of the state Legislature. This is not surprising given the vast opposition from over 20 statewide and national disability rights organizations, the California Medical Association, the California Hospice and Palliative Care Association and civil rights organizations like the California League of Latin American Citizens, not to mention groups representing the seniors, the poor and the uninsured.

In case I forgot to mention it, the Mercury News editorial managed to “forget” mentioning the diversity of opposition to legalized assisted suicide in California. They only named religious groups.

Anyway, you should read the rest of the piece. Favuzzi’s essay and analysis of the issues gives you a good idea why the coalition opposing legalization in California has been so effective. There are a lot of hard-working, passionate and articulate advocates in California – especially in the disability community. –Stephen Drake