Satire from “The Spoof” – Brit couple go for euthanasia

A couple of items are needed to introduce this latest send-up from The Spoof, a web-based publication devoted to satire.

First, there is a current story about a real-life couple from Britain who went to Switzerland and got “put down” together.

Second, this isn’t the first time we’ve featured an article from The Spoof. In January of this year, we featured another one in a similar vein – by the same author.

Here’s the latest – I’m really find of the names chosen for the couple in this one:

Brit couple go for euthanasia

Written by MonkeyInTheBath

An elderly couple have the unique privilege of being the first married pair to have themselves euthanased together. If only they had lived to see it, they would have been proud to have seen their glorious deaths emblazoned all over the papers.

Mr and Mrs Notdeadyet were Satanists, but were described by neighbours as “not very quiet actually”.

A family friend refused to speak to me, but via an exclusive phone-tapping operation, it was found that they were terminally ill. Both Mr and Mrs Notdeadyet had a “rather bad” cold and could not cope with the “constant sniffling” and “ticklish cough”, so they decided that it would be for the best that they terminated their existence before the terrible illness preventing them from living their lives.

In an ironic twist, Mr and Mrs Notdeadyet’s regular lottery numbers came up this week.

They must have misunderstood the omens indicating that “their number was up.” –Stephen Drake

3 thoughts on “Satire from “The Spoof” – Brit couple go for euthanasia

  1. Bravo on the name of the couple in the satire. As the recession deepens, I fear we shall see more suggestions, not satire, that we join the parade to infinity.

    I am pleased that satire is keeping pace. There’s one good line in the movie, “Pineapple Express”, by a young “hip” drug user/dealer on the West Coast, satirizing by asking his potential customer, “Would you be able to kill someone you love?” (close paraphrase) and looks shocked. The film moves to a painting over the fireplace of the character with his grandmother, “Bubbie” (in Yiddish), he calls her that. He says he couldn’t do it. In a film full of mayhem, the satire comes up again and makes fun of assisted suicide. Hooray for a silly movie, weird in a lot of ways, to get it right.

    I’ve also been waiting for someone to pun on “the last resort”…the Swiss hotel. When I was in Switzerland decades ago, I quipped, wherever there’s a view, they put a hotel and you have to pay to see the view. Now there’s a whole new doublemeaning to “resort”.

  2. sanda,

    I’ve never thought on the pun quality about “last resort.” But now that you mention it, it’s strange I haven’t run across it yet.

    A few times, I’ve talked to people about what I call “the fallacy of the last resort” which gets used in many arguments – from torture to euthanasia.

    It might be the subject for an essay here one of these days. –Stephen

  3. I thought of it because I listen to baseball on the radio and one the commercials is or was for “the last watch you’ll ever buy” (a ridiculous concept in itself).

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