Tag Archives: aid in dying

Delaware NDY’s Daniese McMullin-Powell: Testimony Against Assisted Suicide Bill

Photo: Red-haired woman sitting in wheelchair with legs crossed, holding leash with service dog sitting next to her. House Health and Human Development Committee   June 7, 2017 Daniese McMullin-Powell, Delaware Not Dead Yet OPPOSE HB 160, End of Life Options Doctors will be prescribing barbiturates with instructions to ingest 100 pills on an empty stomach … Continue reading Delaware NDY’s Daniese McMullin-Powell: Testimony Against Assisted Suicide Bill

Anita Cameron: 5 Mistaken Reasons Why People Want Doctor Prescribed Suicide

I sometimes hear these thoughts and feelings expressed, so I want to share my responses. 1.  I want the freedom, choice and the right to end my life when I want to. That freedom and choice already exists. When the pain of an illness gets to be too much, you can decide using a number … Continue reading Anita Cameron: 5 Mistaken Reasons Why People Want Doctor Prescribed Suicide

NY Court of Appeals Rally – Two Photos and Coverage

NDY activists from across the state rallied Tuesday, May 30th on a cold and rainy afternoon outside the New York Court of Appeals. The friend-of-the-court brief filed by NDY and joined by ten other national and state Disability Rights Amici was mentioned twice during oral argument in the case, favorably, by counsel for the Attorney … Continue reading NY Court of Appeals Rally – Two Photos and Coverage

Press Release: Disability Activists Rally Against Assisted Suicide At NY Court of Appeals

For Immediate Release: May 30, 2017 Contacts: Diane Coleman 708-420-0539 dcoleman@notdeadyet.org Adam Prizio 518-320-7100 (office) 603-518-4910 (cell) aprizio@cdrnys.org  Disability rights activists from across the state will rally as the New York Court of Appeals hears oral arguments Tuesday afternoon, May 30th in the Myers v. Schneiderman assisted suicide case. Not Dead Yet led the filing of a Disability Rights friend-of-the-court … Continue reading Press Release: Disability Activists Rally Against Assisted Suicide At NY Court of Appeals

New York’s Assisted Suicide Case To Be Heard on May 30th

A case pushing New York courts to find a state constitutional right to assisted suicide will be heard in oral argument in the NY Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, next Tuesday, May 30th. Not Dead Yet filed friend-of-the-court briefs, joined by ten other national and New York state disability rights organizations, at both … Continue reading New York’s Assisted Suicide Case To Be Heard on May 30th