Tag Archives: aid in dying

NDY Activists Deliver Counter to NY Assisted Suicide Proponents’ Lobby Day

Nearly 20 disability activists wearing hot pink Not Dead Yet – The Resistance t-shirts took their message to Albany on May 9th. This was the lobby day scheduled by assisted suicide proponents, but NDY refused to give them the last word. News coverage in the Albany Times Union quoted Adam Prizio, who serves as manager … Continue reading NDY Activists Deliver Counter to NY Assisted Suicide Proponents’ Lobby Day

NDY Activist Mike Reynolds Testifies Against Maine Assisted Suicide Bills

Long time NDY activist Mike Reynolds provided strong and effective testimony against assisted suicide bills in Maine, and attended the key committee work session held on April 19th. Here are his comments addressing Senator Brakey and Representative Hymanson: My name is Michael Reynolds, I live in Lewiston, ME and strongly urge you to vote to … Continue reading NDY Activist Mike Reynolds Testifies Against Maine Assisted Suicide Bills

Anita Cameron: Physician Assisted Suicide Removes Choice

Often, the first charge of proponents of physician assisted suicide (PAS) to those of us who are against it is “you are taking away my choice to die when I want to by fighting against assisted suicide legislation”. Try as I may, I simply cannot understand that view. How am I taking away their choice? … Continue reading Anita Cameron: Physician Assisted Suicide Removes Choice

Marilyn Golden’s Testimony Against Alaska Assisted Suicide Bill H 54

[Editor’s note: As most of our readers know, NDY works closely with the Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund in opposing assisted suicide legislation. A Committee hearing was held last week – April 6 – in Alaska, which allows witnesses to testify by teleconference. Below is Marilyn Golden’s clearly articulated and compelling testimony. BTW, she … Continue reading Marilyn Golden’s Testimony Against Alaska Assisted Suicide Bill H 54

NDY UK Issues Statement on Assisted Suicide Case Brought By Man with ALS

[Editor’s Note: NDY USA was honored many years ago when Jane Campbell asked if she could start NDY UK. Our sister organization has done incredible work. Here they share their reaction to the case of Noel Conway, a man with motor neuron disease, aka ALS.] NOT DEAD YET UK STATEMENT ON MR NOEL CONWAY’S LEGAL … Continue reading NDY UK Issues Statement on Assisted Suicide Case Brought By Man with ALS