Tag Archives: aid in dying

Anita Cameron: The Disability Perspective

A few weeks ago, I went to Albany, the New York state capital, to meet with members of the Senate Minority Caucus to urge them not to support any forthcoming assisted suicide legislation. During the meetings, each legislator and/or staffer was asked had he or she heard stances against assisted suicide from the perspective of … Continue reading Anita Cameron: The Disability Perspective

Press Release: Eleven Disability Organizations File Friend of the Court Brief in Appeal of New York Assisted Suicide Case

Contacts: Diane Coleman 708-420-0539 dcoleman@notdeadyet.org Adam Prizio 518-320-7100 (office) 603-518-4910 (cell) aprizio@cdrnys.org  On February 15, 2017, Not Dead Yet and ten other national and New York state disability rights organizations have filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the New York Court of Appeals in support of rulings by the Supreme Court and Appellate Division, both of which dismissed a case seeking to … Continue reading Press Release: Eleven Disability Organizations File Friend of the Court Brief in Appeal of New York Assisted Suicide Case

NDY Urges AMA To Affirm Longstanding Opposition to Legalizing Assisted Suicide

On November 11, 2016, NDY sent a letter to the AMA, the first of two submissions urging the AMA through its Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs to re-affirm its position opposing legalization of assisted suicide. During the twelve years that NDY was based in Chicago, when we knew of motions being made to overturn … Continue reading NDY Urges AMA To Affirm Longstanding Opposition to Legalizing Assisted Suicide

Disability Rights Organizations Issue Statement Opposing Assisted Suicide Laws and Supporting Health Care

To be released on the occasion of the House Committee markup  of a Disapproval Resolution on the District of Columbia assisted suicide bill We, as disability rights organizations, oppose the legalization of assisted suicide, which is a dangerous and harmful public policy. We also support the continuation of the Affordable Care Act and everything it does … Continue reading Disability Rights Organizations Issue Statement Opposing Assisted Suicide Laws and Supporting Health Care

Urge Your Congress Members to Attend Assisted Suicide Briefing Jan. 12th

Two of the speakers at a January 12th Congressional Briefing on assisted suicide will be disability rights advocates: Anne Sommers, Board Chair of Not Dead Yet, and Lindsay Baran, Policy Analyst of the National Council on Independent Living. Please urge your members of Congress to attend this important bipartisan briefing on Thursday, January 12, in … Continue reading Urge Your Congress Members to Attend Assisted Suicide Briefing Jan. 12th