Tag Archives: aid in dying

John Kelly’s Letter Published in the Cape Cod Times

Not Dead Yet New England Regional Director John Kelly sent a letter to the editor last week after the Cape Cod Times published Rabbi Elias Lieberman’s opinion piece promoting legalized assisted suicide. In the lead up to the 2012 referendum on assisted suicide, Rabbi Lieberman invited John to take part in a panel discussion about … Continue reading John Kelly’s Letter Published in the Cape Cod Times

Mary’s Killer Cocktail: Recipe for Legalized Euthanasia in D.C.

The diverse D.C. coalition against assisted suicide, NoDCSuicide.org, has come up with an infographic showing the abject failure of the D.C. assisted suicide bill to protect people from the dangers of mistake, coercion and abuse. The bill doesn’t even casually mention, much less require, self-administration of the lethal drugs, making it the most clearcut active … Continue reading Mary’s Killer Cocktail: Recipe for Legalized Euthanasia in D.C.

Urge D.C. Council Members to Reject Fatally Flawed Assisted Suicide Bill B21-38

[Editor’s Note: Disability rights advocates in the District of Columbia are part of a diverse coalition of people from disability, minority, medical provider and faith communities working to oppose the assisted suicide bill currently before the D.C. Council and scheduled for a vote on Tuesday, November 1st. Below is an announcement that came from the … Continue reading Urge D.C. Council Members to Reject Fatally Flawed Assisted Suicide Bill B21-38

Action Alert: Urge the AMA to Reaffirm Opposition to Assisted Suicide

[Editor’s Note: Thanks to the Patients Rights Action Fund for the information in this urgent alert!] For decades, the official position of the American Medical Association (AMA) has been to oppose the legalization of assisted suicide (Policy 140.952, Policy 270.965).   The AMA will have an interim meeting to discuss its policy on assisted suicide Nov. … Continue reading Action Alert: Urge the AMA to Reaffirm Opposition to Assisted Suicide

John Kelly’s Testimony Opposing New Jersey Assisted Suicide Bill A2451

[Editor’s Note: John Kelly lived in New Jersey in his younger years and traveled back there to testify on October 6, 2016 in opposition to the latest assisted suicide bill, A2451. His oral testimony is below, and his full written testimony is here.] Chair Burzichelli, Vice Chair Lagana, Members of the Committee: My name is … Continue reading John Kelly’s Testimony Opposing New Jersey Assisted Suicide Bill A2451