Tag Archives: aid in dying

Surprise Assisted Suicide Committee Vote Scheduled in NY; NDY Letter

I know I shouldn’t be surprised anymore when pro-assisted suicide advocates convince legislators to spring a surprise committee hearing or vote on us. On a worldwide basis, the assisted suicide movement has declared the disability community to be their enemy #1. We have first hand experience with economic oppression, societal devaluation and various forms of … Continue reading Surprise Assisted Suicide Committee Vote Scheduled in NY; NDY Letter

Victory in New York Appellate Division!

A clear and welcome ruling came down Tuesday, May 3rd, from the NY Appellate Division in an assisted suicide case in which NDY filed a friend-of-the-court brief joined by ten other national and state disability organizations. The Court found no constitutional right to assisted suicide. Below is an excerpt from the 36-page decision: [P]laintiffs rely … Continue reading Victory in New York Appellate Division!

Steve Gold’s Letter Published in NY Times, & One by Diane Coleman in Des Moines Register

Steve Gold, who has long served as a disability rights attorney for both ADAPT and NDY, just had his letter published in the New York Times. It’s the second letter in a group responding to a recent pro-assisted suicide opinion by the NYT editorial board. Here’s Steve’s excellent letter: To the Editor: You equate the … Continue reading Steve Gold’s Letter Published in NY Times, & One by Diane Coleman in Des Moines Register

NY Independent Living Exec Letter Points To Dangers in Former Insurance Exec’s Assisted Suicide Bill

The Albany Times Union just carried a letter by Denise Figueroa, Executive Director of the Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley, in response to an opinion piece by the Executive Director of the national assisted suicide advocacy group, who is also one of the drafters of the Oregon law upon which the New York … Continue reading NY Independent Living Exec Letter Points To Dangers in Former Insurance Exec’s Assisted Suicide Bill

John Kelly: Assisted Suicide Laws and Bills “Riddled with Falsehoods”

On March 29, Not Dead Yet New England Regional Coordinator and Second Thoughts Massachusetts Director John Kelly testified against New Hampshire Bill SB426, which would establish an “end-of-life choices study commission.” Using the euphemisms of proponents like Compassion & Choices against the bill, John lists the ways in which the bill is “riddled with falsehoods.” … Continue reading John Kelly: Assisted Suicide Laws and Bills “Riddled with Falsehoods”