Tag Archives: assisted suicide

YouTube: EZ Breezy Assisted Suicide w/ Bill Peace (and Tipsy Tullivan)

2010 was a horrible year for friend and NDY board member Bill Peace. Here’s a summary from a post back in 2012: Back in 2010, our friend, colleague and ally Bill Peace, experienced a long, expensive health crisis when he experienced a stage IV skin breakdown – with a long treatment process that was physically and emotionally grueling by his … Continue reading YouTube: EZ Breezy Assisted Suicide w/ Bill Peace (and Tipsy Tullivan)

Not Dead Yet (USA) Submission Opposing New Zealand End of Life Choice Bill

[Editor’s note: To read the whole Submission, go here.] Submission to the New Zealand Parliament’s Justice Committee re: End of Life Choice Bill March 5, 2018 Introduction Not Dead Yet is a national, grassroots disability rights group that opposes legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia as deadly forms of discrimination against old, ill and disabled … Continue reading Not Dead Yet (USA) Submission Opposing New Zealand End of Life Choice Bill

Not Dead Yet Testimony Opposing Hawaii Assisted Suicide Bill HB 2739

TESTIMONY OF DIANE COLEMAN, JD, PRESIDENT/CEO OF NOT DEAD YET OPPOSING HAWAII HB 2739 Judiciary and Health and Human Services Committees Submitted February 26, 2018 I am a severely disabled woman, and head up the national disability group, Not Dead Yet, which has members in Hawaii. I’ve spent a lifetime advocating for the rights of disabled … Continue reading Not Dead Yet Testimony Opposing Hawaii Assisted Suicide Bill HB 2739

Delaware Assisted Suicide Disability Amendment Is A Misdirect

The sponsor of the Delaware assisted suicide bill introduced an amendment apparently designed to address disability related concerns. It’s always good to know that disability opposition has gotten their attention, but this amendment is a total failure and completely misses the point, any point we’ve made. A disability response to the amendment is below. The battle … Continue reading Delaware Assisted Suicide Disability Amendment Is A Misdirect

John Kelly’s Excellent Op-Ed in the Boston Globe

The Mass. Legislature must say ‘no’ to assisted suicide Image description: fead and shoulders photo of while man with short hair and glasses, with a sip-and-puff wheelchair control near his chin. IN A COMPLETE ABOUT-FACE, in early December, the Massachusetts Medical Society gave state legislators the nod to enact dangerous public policy that puts my … Continue reading John Kelly’s Excellent Op-Ed in the Boston Globe