Tag Archives: assisted suicide

NDY Joins National Alliance to Support Proposed Federal Resolution Opposing Legalization of Assisted Suicide

[Editor’s note: Today, NDY’s Anita Cameron is among the speaker’s at a press conference announcing the introduction of a bipartisan Sense of Congress Resolution detailing the dangers of a public policy of assisted suicide. NDY’s disability community allies, including ADAPT, DREDF and NCIL, support this Resolution. The National Alliance press release is below.] For Immediate … Continue reading NDY Joins National Alliance to Support Proposed Federal Resolution Opposing Legalization of Assisted Suicide

Disability Rights Groups Applaud NY Court of Appeals Assisted Suicide Ruling

Contacts: Diane Coleman 708-420-0539 dcoleman@notdeadyet.org Adam Prizio 518-320-7100 (office) 603-518-4910 (cell) aprizio@cdrnys.org  For Immediate Release: Disability rights groups applaud today’s New York Court of Appeals unanimous ruling announcing that “we reject plaintiffs’ argument that an individual has a fundamental constitutional right to aid-in-dying . . . . We also reject plaintiffs’ assertion that the State’s prohibition on assisted suicide … Continue reading Disability Rights Groups Applaud NY Court of Appeals Assisted Suicide Ruling

Canadian Proposals for Assisted Suicide Eligibility for Mental Health Conditions

Below is the text of Toujours Vivant/Not Dead Yet Canada‘s webcast today on a Canadian proposal to expand eligibility for assisted suicide and euthanasia (AS/E) to include people with labels of “mental illness.” COUNCIL OF CANADIAN ACADEMIES “MAID” EXPANSION STUDY: MENTAL ILLNESS This is the second part of our series on the three areas of assisted … Continue reading Canadian Proposals for Assisted Suicide Eligibility for Mental Health Conditions

NDY Canada Explains the Dangers to Disabled Children of “MAID” Expansion to Minors

This text is from today’s webcast by Amy Hasbrouck, Director of Toujour Vivant/Not Dead Yet Canada. COUNCIL OF CANADIAN ACADEMIES “MAID” EXPANSION: MATURE MINORS The preamble to Bill C-14 – Canada’s assisted suicide legislation – specifies three possible expansions of assisted suicide to mature minors, people with psychiatric disabilities, and those requesting assisted suicide in … Continue reading NDY Canada Explains the Dangers to Disabled Children of “MAID” Expansion to Minors

Carol Cleigh Sutton: I Oppose Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Because It Is Ableist

The very heart of the argument for assisted suicide/euthanasia (AS/E) is that an individual may be better off dead than disabled. The fact that this argument can be made in respectable public forums demonstrates just how ableist this society is. How deeply the severely abled fear and loathe those of us who live with disability. … Continue reading Carol Cleigh Sutton: I Oppose Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Because It Is Ableist