Tag Archives: assisted suicide

Ally Matt Vallière’s Op-Ed in The Hill Reflects on 2023 Victories Against Assisted Suicide

The Patients Rights Action Fund (PRAF), led by Matt Vallière, coordinates diverse coalitions of advocates against assisted suicide laws. Matt and his expert team have respected and supported a strong disability role in these state coalitions from early on. They have also been crucial to taking into federal court my longstanding assertion that assisted suicide … Continue reading Ally Matt Vallière’s Op-Ed in The Hill Reflects on 2023 Victories Against Assisted Suicide

Anita Cameron’s Remarks Before the New York State Bar Association Task Force

Anita Cameron’s Remarks Before the New York State Bar Association Task Force on Medical Aid in Dying November 17, 2023 Good morning. I’m Anita Cameron, Director of Minority Outreach for Not Dead Yet, a national, grassroots disability organization opposed to medical discrimination, healthcare rationing, euthanasia and assisted suicide. Assisted suicide laws are dangerous because though … Continue reading Anita Cameron’s Remarks Before the New York State Bar Association Task Force

NDY’s Written Submission To the NY State Bar Assn. Task Force On Medical Aid in Dying

Supplemental Information from Diane Coleman, JD For the New York State Bar Association Medical Aid in Dying Task Force Open Forum November 27, 2023 The following supplemental information includes references and links to substantiate key points in my remarks presented on November 17th on behalf of Not Dead Yet, a national disability organization headquartered in … Continue reading NDY’s Written Submission To the NY State Bar Assn. Task Force On Medical Aid in Dying

NY Attorney Writes That NY Has A Financial Incentive To Legalize Assisted Suicide

By Lisa Blumberg The usual line of the organizations promoting the legalization of assisted suicide (or medical aid in dying (MAiD) as they like to call it) in New York and elsewhere is as follows: the sole reason for such laws is to prevent “end of life” suffering, that the laws only apply to people … Continue reading NY Attorney Writes That NY Has A Financial Incentive To Legalize Assisted Suicide

Massachusetts Assisted Suicide Hearing Video and Written Testimonies

Representatives of Not Dead Yet, Second Thoughts Massachusetts and other people with disabilities testified in opposition to a proposed bill to legalize assisted suicide at a hearing held on October 20th before the Joint Committee on Public Health of the Massachusetts legislature. Witnesses were given only two minutes each for oral testimony and could also submit written … Continue reading Massachusetts Assisted Suicide Hearing Video and Written Testimonies