Tag Archives: assisted suicide

Press Release: NDY Director of Minority Outreach Testifies Against MA Assisted Suicide Bill

Contact: John Kelly 617-952-3302 (10/20/23, Boston, MA) Nationally renowned disability activist Anita Cameron testified at a hearing this morning before the Joint Committee on Public Health of the Massachusetts legislature in opposition to a proposed bill to legalize assisted suicide. Witnesses were given only two minutes each. This is her testimony: Testimony against H. 2246/S. … Continue reading Press Release: NDY Director of Minority Outreach Testifies Against MA Assisted Suicide Bill

Diane Coleman’s Letter Published in the New York Times

A letter to the editor from Diane Coleman was published in the New York Times recently. Published September 25th, it was sandwiched between two letters in favor of legalizing assisted suicide. All three lettersreacted to A Lawsuit Aims to Expand Aid in Dying by Paula Span which first appeared in the NYTimes and later in … Continue reading Diane Coleman’s Letter Published in the New York Times

Progressive and Disability Opposition to Assisted Suicide Covered in The New Journal

It’s very rare to see even lengthy articles about assisted suicide include more than relatively brief acknowledgement of opposing voices from the disability community and rarer still from other progressives. Therefore, we were impressed to see the Yale University student newspaper, The New Journal, publish an extensive pro/con article by Anouk Yeh featuring substantial discussion … Continue reading Progressive and Disability Opposition to Assisted Suicide Covered in The New Journal

Anita Cameron: Don’t Be Fooled, Assisted Suicide IS Suicide

Suicide is devastating. Take it from someone who has lost dear friends to it. It’s an especially difficult death for families to deal with. Loved ones often feel guilt, wondering was there anything they could have done to prevent it. I, too, felt that horror and guilt after learning that a close friend had died … Continue reading Anita Cameron: Don’t Be Fooled, Assisted Suicide IS Suicide

Belated Note: Diane Coleman’s Letter Published in Finger Lakes Times

[From August 28, 2023] Assisted suicide in NY a poor idea To the Editor: It’s ironic that Joel Freedman’s Aug. 14 essay promoting assisted suicide laws opens by noting the need to “strengthen the rights of nursing home residents and other care-dependent people.” People are too often dumped into nursing facilities by hospitals and sometimes, … Continue reading Belated Note: Diane Coleman’s Letter Published in Finger Lakes Times