Tag Archives: op-ed

NCIL’s Lindsay Baran & NDY’s Anne Sommers Collaborate on Op-Ed in Washington Examiner

As NDY previously reported, Lindsay Baran of the National Council on Independent Living, Anne Sommers of NDY and several other disability advocates testified on July 10th against an assisted suicide bill pending before the District of Columbia Council Health and Human Services Committee.  The NDY blog on the DC hearing included a video of Anne … Continue reading NCIL’s Lindsay Baran & NDY’s Anne Sommers Collaborate on Op-Ed in Washington Examiner

Georgetown Voice – “Death Without Dignity: The Dangers of Assisted Suicide” by Lydia Brown

Disability rights activists, scholars and advocates are familiar with Lydia Brown, whose writings, presentations, advocacy and activism have had a big impact in and outside of the disability community over the past few years. Today, the college newspaper Georgetown Voice published a response and counter to an editorial that endorsed a proposal that would legalize … Continue reading Georgetown Voice – “Death Without Dignity: The Dangers of Assisted Suicide” by Lydia Brown