Tag Archives: Second Thoughts

Coleman Letter to CA Assembly Members Opposing Assisted Suicide Bill; Action Alert

Versions of the letter below have gone to various California legislative committees and key members.  We are down to the wire, with an Assembly vote possible today, but more likely tomorrow (Wed., Sept. 9th).  California is one of the most influential states in the country and it’s unconscionable, after assisted suicide bills were defeated on … Continue reading Coleman Letter to CA Assembly Members Opposing Assisted Suicide Bill; Action Alert

Meet our New Regional Director, John Kelly

  [Editor’s Note:  John Kelly officially began working for NDY as a Regional Director on September 23.  We issued a press announcement on that occasion, but here’s a chance to get to know John better.] Hello everyone, I want to introduce myself to the far-flung faithful readers of this blog and all the supporters of … Continue reading Meet our New Regional Director, John Kelly