Minnesota Supreme Court Rules Online Suicide Predator Melchert-Dinkel Protected by First Amendment

…ed and that he played an integral role in the deaths, including giving step-by-step instructions. Evidence showed that Melchert-Dinkel sought out depressed people online. When he found them, he posed as a suicidal female nurse, feigned compassion and offered instructions on how they could kill themselves. Melchert-Dinkel told police he did it for the “thrill of the chase.” According to court documents, he acknowledged participating in online chats…


online vigil and chat starting at 8 PM ET. Here’s the info from the site: Online Vigil and Chat Disabled People of Tsukui Yamayuri En Sagamihara, Japan Thursday, August 4, 2016 8 pm Eastern 9 am Japan (Aug. 5)   The Disability Visibility Project will be partnering with disabled filmmaker and activist Dominick Evans in an online vigil and chat remembering the 19 disabled people of the Tsukui Yamayuri En residential care facility in Sagamihara, Jap…

Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Approaching Death Requests Public Comments Via Online Survey By November 1st

…o and written public comments about problems with Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) that negatively impact people with disabilities. With only two meetings left before its final report, the Committee is providing one last avenue for public input via an online survey, consisting of six open ended questions. The deadline is November 1st. The introduction defines those who are “likely approaching death” very broadly: To help the…

John Kelly’s Response to IOM Online Survey or “We Love Our Tubes!”

…ilable on the Public Policy section of our website here. – Diane] I am a 55-year-old white man who is a quadriplegic based on a spinal cord injury in 1984. The level of my injury was at the fourth cervical level, resulting in near total paralysis below my shoulders. My breathing ability survived the injury, and after diaphragmatic strengthening, I have breathed without assistance for the last 30 years. I drive a powered wheelchair with a sip/puff…

Archived Audio and Transcript for Diane Rehm Show with Stephen Drake, Frank Bruni, Joanne Lynn and Mickey MacIntyrye on Assisted Suicide Online NOW!

…ay’s (August 13) Diane Rehm Show has both audio and a transcript available online now. If you missed the discussion, please check it out. Among topics discussed: conflation of high morphine doses in hospice with the barbiturates used in assisted suicide; the ways in which the term “end of life” has expanded beyond usefulness – serving to obfuscate rather than clarify conversation; and if we’re really kinder to animals than to humans when it comes…