Radio Netherlands “Living and dying with dignity” includes NDY interview

…rmione Gee to represent NDY and our viewpoint for this segment. Here’s the URL for the text description of the radio show: Living and dying with dignity Below is some context and a quote from my interview, which begins about 7 minutes into the show: Stephen Drake of the disability rights group Not Dead Yet argues that any law that permits assisted dying for one group of people – for example the old, ill and disabled – but not for everyone, is impl…

Disability Activists Hold Nationwide Protests of Proposed Medicaid Cuts

…She reached back into the group’s history, showing news clips and footage dating back to 1978. I joined ADAPT protests for lifts on buses in 1987, and took a screenshot of this scene in which I was placed under police arrest. Diane Coleman being pushed in her motorized wheelchair by a police officer who had arrested her. ADAPT’s focus is the Medicaid home and community based long term care services that enable people with disabilities, including…

Not Dead Yet Statement On The Murder Of George Floyd

…f Ahmaud Aubrey, Dreasjon Reed and Breonna Taylor, and many thousands more dating back centuries. From the time Whites stole the lives of Blacks in Africa and forced them to labor for America’s economy, white supremacy and toxic racism have been part of the fabric of our country. Whites have lied about it, inventing false rationales for the way things are, never taking responsibility for that hypocrisy or accepting the duty to meaningfully address…

LA Times and ProPublica: Dozens of Calif. Nurses with Felony Convictions Fully Licensed to Practice

…cle is easily accessible at both the LA Times link given above and at this URL for ProPublica. In the article, btw, an “expert” on California Licensing Boards says she’s “blown away” by the findings in this article. Frankly, I don’t see how anyone could be that surprised by this – in California or any other state. In California, for example, many medical professionals participated in the alleged attempt to rush Ruben Navarro’s death in a botched o…

Time Magazine Article Misrepresents Final Exit Network and Who They “Help”

…iate staffer. I’ve made slight edits (e.g. omitting the final exit network URL here), but this is basically what was sent: Dear Ms. _____, I will be publishing this critique on my blog this afternoon. The traffic is pretty heavy these days, considering the subject matter. I would sincerely appreciate being able to include a response from someone at Time in what I write. My blog is at Thank you for your…