It’s Suicide Prevention Week – Except for Old, Ill and Physically Disabled People

…course of many months, stories appearing in countless outlets included the URL for the Final Exit Network in their stories. The website provided information on obtaining suicide instructional materials and how to get involved with the Final Exit Network. Most of the articles treated the Network and its “work” sympathetically. In case you’re wondering, suicide prevention groups do get involved in media issues. The American Foundation for Suicide Pr…

Reporter Succeeds in Getting Two Suicide Prevention Organizations to Comment on Final Exit Network Billboard!

…course of many months, stories appearing in countless outlets included the URL for the Final Exit Network in their stories. The website provided information on obtaining suicide instructional materials and how to get involved with the Final Exit Network. Most of the articles treated the Network and its “work” sympathetically. In case you’re wondering, suicide prevention groups do get involved in media issues. The American Foundation for Suicide Pr…

Followup – Corrects Errors in Euthanasia Story While Associated Press Ignores Its Errors

…my blog (it’s not the first of this type with the AP). I am including the URL and two excerpts from the blog that lays out the problems as well as document the inaccuracy of the info in the article: After that, I included relevant sections excerpts of the blog entry, explaining that the description of “terminally ill” and “unbearable pain” were both incorrect in terms of Dutch guidelines for euthanasia. And of course I included the links to the D…

Time Magazine – Sloppy and Inaccurate Kevorkian Obit Written by News Director in “Person of the Year” Issue

…fact-deficient Kevorkian obit. Speaking of the obit, there are very few comments on it right now and two of them are mine. Please go visit the following URL and add your comment or at least add a “like” to one of mine.–Stephen Drake…

Action Alert! Speak Out on Proposed Rules for ‘Procuring’ Organs from People with Disabilities

…ments on the proposal. You can access the proposed rules by accessing this URL: It’s proposal number 9 on the list. Below is the text of the prewritten letter on the Capwiz site. You are more than welcome to modify or personalize the letter (or write your own entirely). This is purely for information purposes – this letter is already on the Capwiz page so you don’t have to copy any of this to send a comment – just go to t…