All posts by Stephen Drake

National Association of the Deaf and American Association of the Deaf-Blind Respond to Belgium’s Euthanasia of Deaf-Blind Twins

On Sunday, January 20th, the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) and the American Association of the Deaf-Blind issued a joint statement in response to the euthanasia of deaf twins in Belgium who were losing their vision. From the joint statement: The National Association of the Deaf (NAD), the premier civil rights organization for deaf … Continue reading National Association of the Deaf and American Association of the Deaf-Blind Respond to Belgium’s Euthanasia of Deaf-Blind Twins

Diane Coleman and John Kelly Letters to the Hartford-Courant

There’s talk of legislative action on an assisted suicide bill in Connecticut, and it’s being discussed in the newspapers.  Both John Kelly, Director of Second Thoughts, and Diane Coleman, President, CEO and founder of Not Dead Yet submitted letters that were published recently in the Hartford Courant: Disability Activists Oppose Assisted Suicide Bill Diane Coleman, … Continue reading Diane Coleman and John Kelly Letters to the Hartford-Courant

More on Double Euthanasia in Belgium, National Federation of the Blind Reacts, and Other Suicides in the News

The 24+ hours since I posted on the double euthanasia of two deaf men in Belgium has resulted in some developments, varied reactions, and some reflection on my own part.  My apologies if this post seems a little scattered – a little like mental  multi-colored pasta thrown against the wall –  but sometimes that’s how … Continue reading More on Double Euthanasia in Belgium, National Federation of the Blind Reacts, and Other Suicides in the News

Belgium: “Double Euthanasia” of Deaf Twins Losing Vision and Reactions from a Deaf-Blind Blogger

Over the weekend, news came out of Belgium of a grim and bizarre new “twist” in that Country’s euthanasia practice.  According to reports, two 45-year-old twins were killed by lethal injection per their request (AKA “euthanized”).  They were both deaf and it’s said they were both gradually losing their vision. From ABC News: Two deaf … Continue reading Belgium: “Double Euthanasia” of Deaf Twins Losing Vision and Reactions from a Deaf-Blind Blogger

Canada: Toujours Vivant-Not Dead Yet established in Canada to organize against legalization of assisted suicide, euthanasia and associated threats

As of a few months ago, Canada now has a disability rights group dedicated to fighting legalization of assisted suicide, euthanasia and associated threats to the lives and safety of people with disabilities. Here’s a description of the group and their mission from the “about” section of the TV-NDY website: About TV-NDY Who we are … Continue reading Canada: Toujours Vivant-Not Dead Yet established in Canada to organize against legalization of assisted suicide, euthanasia and associated threats