All posts by Stephen Drake

Georgia Disability Activists at Supreme Court Hearing on Assisted Suicide – Press Coverage and More

The Georgia disability rights activists that attended yesterday’s hearing on the Final Exit Network’s (FEN) challenge to that state’s assisted suicide law were included in some of the major media coverage.  First, from (channel 2) in Atlanta, there’s a brief interview with disability activist Elizabeth Hune, alongside fellow activists Zan Thornton and Rebecca Ramage-Tuttle.  … Continue reading Georgia Disability Activists at Supreme Court Hearing on Assisted Suicide – Press Coverage and More

Georgia Disability Activists to Attend Arguments at GA Supreme Court Hearing on Final Exit Network

Today, Nov. 7, 2011, the Georgia Supreme Court will hear arguments on the challenge to Georgia’s assisted suicide law filed by members of the Final Exit Network.  The group claims that the law does not actually prohibit assisted suicide but does violate the First Amendment right to free speech. Three disability rights groups from Georgia … Continue reading Georgia Disability Activists to Attend Arguments at GA Supreme Court Hearing on Final Exit Network

RELEASE: Disabililty Rights Activists from NDY and National Council on Disability Featured on Dr. Oz Assisted Suicide Show

 Link: Disability Rights Activists from Not Dead Yet and National Council on Disability Featured in Dr. Oz Segment on Assisted Suicide Members of Not Dead Yet and National Council on Disability were featured in a Dr. Oz segment on assisted suicide. Members expressed opposition to assisted suicide, but overall the segment was biased in … Continue reading RELEASE: Disabililty Rights Activists from NDY and National Council on Disability Featured on Dr. Oz Assisted Suicide Show

Disability Activists, Assisted Suicide and the Land of Oz

Yesterday – November 1 – the anticipated/dreaded Dr. Oz show on assisted suicide aired in most places, although syndicated shows such as Dr. Oz often play out on different dates in different locations. Disability activists Nadina LaSpina, Danny Robert, Ari Ne’eman, Julie Maury, Hope Derogatis and Bill Peace were all in the audience.  Danny Robert … Continue reading Disability Activists, Assisted Suicide and the Land of Oz

Not Dead Yet Applauds PBS Documentary “Lives Worth Living”

(This press release will be issued on the wires via prweb on Oct. 27, 2011) (Rochester, NY) Not Dead Yet, a national disability organization that opposes legalization of assisted suicide, applauds the documentary “Lives Worth Living” which begins airing October 27 on PBS. Produced and directed by Eric Neudel, “Lives Worth Living” combines rare historical … Continue reading Not Dead Yet Applauds PBS Documentary “Lives Worth Living”