Category Archives: access to health care

Can people on Medicaid sue states to stop budget cuts?

Monday, October 3, was opening day for the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court heard oral arguments in three consolidated cases: Douglas v. Independent Living Center of Southern California, Douglas v. California Pharmacists Assn. and Douglas v. Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital. In these cases, Medicaid recipients and providers are suing the state of California to stop … Continue reading Can people on Medicaid sue states to stop budget cuts?

India – Newest Case of Person Demanding Treatment/Money or Euthanasia (“Your Money or My Life”)

Lately it seems like I’ve been drawing quite a bit on material from the Thaddeus Pope‘s Medical Futility Blog. Mostly it’s because Pope is really good at digging out stories that fly under the radar of most of us. More than occasionally, he’ll write something that is too tempting to ignore.That’s true with his latest … Continue reading India – Newest Case of Person Demanding Treatment/Money or Euthanasia (“Your Money or My Life”)

“My Medicaid Matters” Rally Is Happening NOW – text of NDY speech

Followup on yesterday’s post.  The My Medicaid Matters rally is underway.  We’ve heard the number of organizational sponsors is over 90 now. In the coming days, I’ll attempt to organize some material and media related to the rally and to ADAPT’s actions prior to the rally in Washington, DC. I’m not sure how they’re doing … Continue reading “My Medicaid Matters” Rally Is Happening NOW – text of NDY speech

Mike Huckabee Says Folks with Pre-Existing Conditions are Uninsurable, Just Like a Burnt-Out House

Readers might have noticed that some other groups and individuals who oppose legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia spend a fair amount of time and energy warning about “pro-death” ideology on the left.  You don’t have to search very far to find warnings about “Obamacare,” impending rationing and “death panels.” While a lot of the … Continue reading Mike Huckabee Says Folks with Pre-Existing Conditions are Uninsurable, Just Like a Burnt-Out House

Health Care: “People Like Me” – Ben Mattlin Reflects on Being Disabled and the Health Care Debate

Ben Mattlin is a disability activist and writer (he also gets paid for writing outside of the disability arena).  I’ve had the privilege of knowing him for over a decade. He’s authored an op-ed in the Chicago Tribune that reflects the current realities many of us who have disabilities face in the health care system … Continue reading Health Care: “People Like Me” – Ben Mattlin Reflects on Being Disabled and the Health Care Debate