Category Archives: aid in dying

Lisa Blumberg CT Mirror Op-Ed: Separating myth and reality in aid in dying

Separating myth and reality in aid in dying January 20, 2021 The virus is surging and the death rate is increasing as the already overburdened health system is in crisis. Yet, there is talk of the legislature again considering a bill to permit doctors to provide lethal prescriptions to terminally ill adults requesting them. This … Continue reading Lisa Blumberg CT Mirror Op-Ed: Separating myth and reality in aid in dying

Second Thoughts Connecticut Press Release: Assisted Suicide Is Bad Medicine

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:                                                                    Cathy Ludlum                         860-649-7110                      Stephen Mendelsohn              860-827-8003 (best after 5:30) Second Thoughts Connecticut Website: Facebook: Twitter: Assisted Suicide Is Bad Medicine. How Can Legislators Represent Us If They Cannot Talk to Us? January 11, 2021 (Manchester, CT) – People with disabilities fear for their lives during the … Continue reading Second Thoughts Connecticut Press Release: Assisted Suicide Is Bad Medicine

Carol Cleigh Sutton: We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident…

…but we don’t. In a phone conversation, a friend of a friend invited me to an event in the Spring. I said that it would depend upon a vaccine for Covid-19. Since our mutual friend and I are both high risk, neither will be traveling before then. She then volunteered that she thinks people in … Continue reading Carol Cleigh Sutton: We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident…

John Kelly – Assisted Suicide: It’s All about Disability

Proponents of assisted suicide laws have insisted for years that assisted suicide has nothing to do with disability, when a glance at the reported “end of life concerns” in Oregon showed those concerns to be all about people’s psychological distress over the disabling aspects of their serious disease. As one example, lead Massachusetts proponent of … Continue reading John Kelly – Assisted Suicide: It’s All about Disability

Anita Cameron’s Letter Published In the Boston Globe!

Assisted suicide is not the answer as long as racial disparities in care, disability bias go on Updated August 31, 2020, 7:15 a.m. Michael Martignetti wants a state program to assist his suicide if he is suffering from the effects of his disability (“Mass. should enact End Of Life Options Act,” Opinion, Aug. 13). I … Continue reading Anita Cameron’s Letter Published In the Boston Globe!