Category Archives: Ashley X

National Disability Rights Group: Study Finds Medical System Violates Civil Rights of Disabled People

I apologize for being a little late getting this news out from the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN).  There are two important issues affecting people with disabilities.  One, as the headline of the press release states, is the violation of people’s basic rights by surgical and other modifications on people’s bodies without any judicial review.  … Continue reading National Disability Rights Group: Study Finds Medical System Violates Civil Rights of Disabled People

Three recommended reads: Bill Peace on “Ashley and Me,” L Syd M Johnson critque of Jacob Appel on PVS and April Michelle Herndon on the “Magic Pill” Question

I’m extremely ambivalent about the Hastings Center.  The interactions I have had with this bioethics entity have been both cordial – and very limited.  Periodically, the Center seems to take an interest in hearing something from disability advocates and activists, but after they’ve engaged in a small token effort, move on and appear to be … Continue reading Three recommended reads: Bill Peace on “Ashley and Me,” L Syd M Johnson critque of Jacob Appel on PVS and April Michelle Herndon on the “Magic Pill” Question