Category Archives: Our News & Commentary Blog

NDY Vlog Episode 2: Suicide Prevention and the Disability Double Standard

To view the video on YouTube , go here: CW: Suicide, ableism In this vlog, we’ll explore the relationship between suicide prevention, disability, and assisted suicide, as well as the ways disabled people are endangered by policies that devalue our lives. RESOURCES ON DEINSTITUTIONALIZATION WORK: Project LETS: MindFreedom International: SOURCES: 1&2. APA … Continue reading NDY Vlog Episode 2: Suicide Prevention and the Disability Double Standard

Introducing the Not Dead Yet Video Blog!

Check out our first in a series of vlogs! Join Jules Good, our Assistant Director and Policy Analyst, (and Chompers, their cockatiel, who is always eager to join in on vlog recording) to learn about involuntary withdrawal of life-sustaining medical treatment. This video also features an interview with Anita Cameron, our Director of Minority Outreach, … Continue reading Introducing the Not Dead Yet Video Blog!

Lisa Blumberg: Getting Beyond Advance Medical Directives

For years, advance medical directives, popularly known as living wills, have been promoted as giving people control over what happens to them at “end of life”, i.e., when they are in dire medical straits. (1)  It is hard to disagree with the concept. Certainly, people have the right to refuse treatment they don’t find helpful … Continue reading Lisa Blumberg: Getting Beyond Advance Medical Directives

Response: “Neurologic Diseases and MAiD” in The American Journal of Bioethics

Jules Good writes in response to “Neurologic Diseases and MAiD: Aid-In-Dying Laws Create an Underclass of Patients Based on Disability” by Lonny Shavelson, Thaddeus M. Pope, Margaret Pabst Battin, Alicia Oulette & Benzi Kluger, published in The American Journal of Bioethics 16 August 2022: Legal assisted suicide puts disabled people in danger of being killed … Continue reading Response: “Neurologic Diseases and MAiD” in The American Journal of Bioethics

Jules Good: An Important Article On Euthanasia of Disabled People in Canada

A little over a year after the passage of Bill C-7, which expanded access to Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD) in Canada to people whose natural deaths are not “reasonably foreseeable,” we are seeing the dangerous effects of this legislation for disabled people. As more data becomes available about who is using MAiD and how … Continue reading Jules Good: An Important Article On Euthanasia of Disabled People in Canada