Category Archives: national council on independent living

Michael Hickson: Disability Organizations Challenge Medical Futility & Surrogate Decisions

On July 24th, ADAPT of Texas filed a complaint with the federal Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights (OCR) concerning the death of Michael Hickson, a Black Disabled man, at St. David’s South Austin Medical Center. The complaint called for . . . “. . . an investigation of St David’s … Continue reading Michael Hickson: Disability Organizations Challenge Medical Futility & Surrogate Decisions

Not Dead Yet Opposes Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Nomination To the U.S. Supreme Court

A central goal of Not Dead Yet is to voice disability opposition to legalization of assisted suicide. Therefore, people might wonder why Not Dead Yet opposes the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who has expressed views against assisted suicide. We oppose his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court because his written court opinions and expressed views threaten … Continue reading Not Dead Yet Opposes Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Nomination To the U.S. Supreme Court

NDY Joins National Alliance to Support Proposed Federal Resolution Opposing Legalization of Assisted Suicide

[Editor’s note: Today, NDY’s Anita Cameron is among the speaker’s at a press conference announcing the introduction of a bipartisan Sense of Congress Resolution detailing the dangers of a public policy of assisted suicide. NDY’s disability community allies, including ADAPT, DREDF and NCIL, support this Resolution. The National Alliance press release is below.] For Immediate … Continue reading NDY Joins National Alliance to Support Proposed Federal Resolution Opposing Legalization of Assisted Suicide

Alert From NCIL: Healthcare Vote Expected Next Week: The Fight Is Not Over!

Disability advocates across the nation are continuing the fight to save Medicaid and preserve our healthcare, our lives and our liberty. Medicaid is the primary funder of home and community based services that provide independence and freedom, preventing older and disabled people from being shoved away in nursing facilities to die. This latest Alert from our friends at … Continue reading Alert From NCIL: Healthcare Vote Expected Next Week: The Fight Is Not Over!

Urge Your Congress Members to Attend Assisted Suicide Briefing Jan. 12th

Two of the speakers at a January 12th Congressional Briefing on assisted suicide will be disability rights advocates: Anne Sommers, Board Chair of Not Dead Yet, and Lindsay Baran, Policy Analyst of the National Council on Independent Living. Please urge your members of Congress to attend this important bipartisan briefing on Thursday, January 12, in … Continue reading Urge Your Congress Members to Attend Assisted Suicide Briefing Jan. 12th