Disability Community Commemorates Lives of Disabled Victims of Homicide/Filicide

…s advocates in the Rochester area will be holding a memorial on Friday, February 28, 2020 to honor the lives of disabled people murdered by their family members and caregivers. The Rochester memorial will be held at the Center for Disability Rights, 497 State Street, Rochester, and begins at 2:00 p.m. EST. Over 600 such murders have been reported in the United States in the last five years, over 70 in the last year alone. The total number of killi…

Disability Activists Are Strongly Opposing Maryland Assisted Suicide Bill

…been preparing for the first hearing on the bill, scheduled for Friday, February 28 beginning at 12:00 noon. On February 17, an article by Katie Collins-Ihrke, Executive Director of Accessible Resources for Independence, was published in the Frederick News-Post entitled Marylanders need health care, not assisted suicide: “End-of-life option” bills are consistently marketed to the public as applying only to people who are expected to die within six…

COVID-19 Reveals A Deadly Failure of Priorities

…titled New York has thrown away 20,000 hospital beds, complicating coronavirus fight. How many states have taken similar steps as they offload their healthcare responsibilities, letting managed care take over and allowing that industry to suck up around 20% of our healthcare dollars and put profits over people? So our shortage of beds and ventilators is not just caused by COVID-19 but also by unacceptable political and fiscal decisions made largel…

Not Dead Yet, NMD United, et al. Sue NY Governor On Ventilator Re-Allocation Guidelines

…The the National Center for Law and Economic Justice posted the following news item on its website and social media: October 8, 2020 NCLEJ Files Lawsuit to Protect Personal Ventilator Users Did you know that New York State has a policy for rationing medical resources — like ventilators — during emergency health crises? As Covid-19 infections spike again this Fall, New Yorkers with disabilities, and especially personal ventilator users who seek me…

NDY Files Public Comment On Federal Healthcare Interim Final Rule In Response To COVID

…egration-for-people-with-disabilities-under-medicaid-15-years-after-the-supreme-courts-olmstead-decision/. [4] As of December 4, 2020, the New York Times reported that 38% of coronavirus-related deaths in the U.S. are linked to nursing facilities. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-nursing-homes.html….