Fighting “Better Dead Than Disabled” – NDY Year In Review

…one TV and seven radio broadcasts. There were at least 19 print or online news articles covering NDY messaging, including in the Washington Post, New York Times, Boston Globe, Hartford Courant and National Public Radio. Systems Advocacy: NDY staff and advocates pursued several key systems advocacy policy initiatives during the reporting year, using a combination of strategies and approaches. Assisted Suicide: NDY opposed assisted suicide laws or…

NDY Coleman NM House Judiciary Committee Testimony Opposing HB 47

…of consent or self-administration at the time of ingestion of the lethal drugs. If the drugs were, in some cases, administered by others without consent, no one would know. The request form constitutes a virtual blanket of legal immunity covering all participants in the process based on a mere claim of “good faith”. Essentially, proponents of legalizing assisted suicide have taken what is fundamentally a third party legal immunity statute and mar…

Joan Cavanagh Had Some Words for the CT Mirror Which They Didn’t Print, So We Will

…oice,” the slogan of Compassion and Choices, found its way to a sign at a Trump supporters’ super-spreader event last year, which is not surprising, since the implication is that individual behavior has no impact on the lives of others. While it may provide an individual “choice” for a select few, among its many evils, the legalization of Medical Assisted Suicide also opens the door to increased rationing of health care, which is an existential th…

Karen McCulloh, Nat’l. Org. of Nurses with Disabilities – Advisor: Basic Life Support

…Requests for accommodation if needed should be communicated to the AHA instructor, giving the instructor time to arrange for accommodations for example, request for a sign language interpreter. The Advisor: BLS Program will be one year old in July 2021. As of April 21, 2021, 2,781 individuals with disabilities have enrolled in the program. It is not known how many employers or nursing schools have accepted the Advisor Card but NOND does know that…

In Mourning At the Passing of Marilyn Golden

The disability community is reeling from the heartbreaking news of the passing of Marilyn Golden, Senior Policy Analyst at the Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF) yesterday (Sept. 21). Anyone who follows NDY knows that Marilyn has been a mission critical partner in our work opposing assisted suicide laws. That can be seen on both the NDY and DREDF websites. What is less obvious is the decade of behind the scenes communications, bra…