Another blog you should read today

…rvation and dehydration; “lose a child” is not at all accurate. He did not run away at the mall. No one kidnapped him at night. He spent all 23 days in his mother’s apartment, with his parents, and a reporter documenting the entire ordeal. Dylan’s parents, Kerri Bruning and Dave Walborn perceived his bad days outnumbered the good and made the decision to withdraw food. Ministers, grandparents and others came to the apartment throughout those 23 da…

Illinois: Kangaroo Hearing on “Presumed Consent” Organ Donation Bill Scheduled Today

…of the PJ Star, it’s a pretty good bet that the only people who know about today’s hearing are supporters of the bill. Predictably, the “public input” will reflect overwhelming support for a radical change in organ donation policy, simply because Risinger and his supporters have carefully stage-managed the coming show. Look how well the PJ Star article is managed – no voice of caution or dissent. A few phone calls to various bioethics departments…

DREDF’s Marilyn Golden Speaks Out Against CA Assisted Suicide Bill Introduced Today

…“loss of autonomy” and “being a burden” on family and loved ones. Earlier today, I found myself explaining to a lobby group something very familiar to those of us who use consumer directed home care services, like myself. The disability rights movement is in a decades long fight for these services, step by incremental step in state after state, led by ADAPT, and supported by federal policy initiatives and the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Olmste…

Two Highly Recommended Blog Reads Today

…ling” and the proposed statutes of alleged “compassionate homicides”: 5 February 2009 – The notion of mercy killing or compassionate homicide periodically reappears in the news, editorials, or legislative agendae. For example, here in Canada in 1994, a Senate Committee recommended legislation that would create a third category of murder, classified as “compassionate homicide.” This new category would apply to cases where an individual killed anoth…

Great News: Minna Mettinen-Kekalainen’s Home Care to Resume Monday (Feb. 2, 2009)

…t Minna Mettinen-Kekalainen’s home care will resume this coming Monday (February 2, 2009). As I said, there are several reports, but it’s only fitting to highlight the Sudbury Star article by Carol Mulligan. Mulligan originally broke this story and continued to push it into the public consciousness. From the story: Starting Monday, a Sudbury woman suffering from Lou Gehrig’s disease will begin receiving the home nursing care she needs. The North E…