New Guidelines for Determining Brain Death – But Will Hospitals Actually Follow Them?

From USA Today – “When is someone brain dead? Experts revise guidelines“: Determining brain death is a complex process that requires dozens of tests to make sure doctors come to the correct conclusion. With that goal in mind, the American Academy of Neurology has issued new guidelines — an update of guidelines first written 15 years ago — that call on doctors to conduct a lengthy examination, including following a step-by-step checklist of some 2…

Three recommended reads: Bill Peace on “Ashley and Me,” L Syd M Johnson critque of Jacob Appel on PVS and April Michelle Herndon on the “Magic Pill” Question

…disability scholars have termed a “medical model” for understanding the struggles we face. The medical model, which presumes that being GLBT is something we “can’t help,” suggests our struggles result primarily from an embodiment rather than from social conditions. Further, the medical model emphasizes notions of choice versus innateness, with little room for frameworks that acknowledge both as possibilities. Herndon shares a list of things she w…

UK: Disabled Man Wants Promise that Wife Won’t be Prosecuted for Outright Killing Him

…th “locked-in” syndrome, unable to move anything except his head and eyes, today called on prosecutors to clarify whether his wife will be prosecuted for murder if she kills him with a lethal injection. Tony Nicklinson has applied to the high court to force Kier Starmer, the director of public prosecutions, to issue guidance stating that prosecuting people for murder who engage in so-called mercy killings may sometimes be contrary to the public in…

Blog – “Euthanasia: Dog vs. Man” – A Succinct Analysis from a Nurse

…heir agenda. You can read posts on the subject here, here, and here. Well, today there’s a short blog post on the pretty much the same topic at the blog “Nursing: You Wanna Know What I Think?,” authored by Pat Veitenthal, who has been in the nursing profession for 42 years, according to the blog. It pains me a little to say this, but she may have made the point about the inappropriateness of using animal euthanasia in the debate about human euthan…

Bloggers Remember Paul Longmore

…l tribute to Paul on her blog – much of which is included as an article in today’s edition of BeyondChron – the Alternative San Francisco online daily. Bess, at The Right to Design, shares a long remembrance of Paul. CDCAN – California Disability Community Action Network issued a short press release. Ben Mattlin shares some thoughts and dedicates part 14 of “Miracle Boy” to Paul Longmore. Martina has written “Memorium” – a poem for Paul Longmore o…