Former “Medical Director” of Final Exit Network Profiled in Wash. Post, Live Chat Monday 2:00 pm ET

…some kind of red flag for Egbert if he was really into anything other than rubber-stamping applications – Chantix is a drug used to quit smoking; why would someone serious about killing themselves be trying to quit smoking? And then there’s the Chantix, a medication used to aid people in quitting smoking. Even at the time of Celmer’s “application” to FEN, both depression and thoughts of suicide were known to be possible, albeit allegedly rare, sid…

John Kelly’s Response to IOM Online Survey or “We Love Our Tubes!”

…ckets to dangerous levels because of a pain or irritation below the lesion site. I also have a suprapubic tube inserted directly into my bladder. I have had a wide range of experiences with medical professionals, but they always are a cause of high anxiety. I can simply not trust that a healthcare professional will listen to me, when I tell them what my body needs. The level of ignorance is so high, unfortunately, and the level of arrogance equall…

Not Dead Yet UK: “Real Disability Activists and Masquerades” by Dr. Kevin Fitzpatrick OBE

…5% of disabled people support assisted suicide/euthanasia? Is that really true?   And why should DiD feel there is even any need for a ‘disability voice’ FOR euthanasia? There is no special pleading necessary for disabled people under their proposed law. Or are they arguing for disability rights for euthanasia? That makes no sense.   DiD have always claimed their campaign is not to change the law for disabled people, but for those with only a few…

Testimony of Susan M. Dooha, J.D., Executive Director, Center for Independence of the Disabled, NY

…remedy it. The settlement requires: Complete ADA compliance surveys of all sites; Temporary and permanent timelines for all remediation of site barriers including hallways, public spaces, exam rooms, changing rooms, pharmacies, testing areas; Purchase of and staff training on Accessible Diagnostic Medical Equipment. Accessible formats for all communications; Effective communications for people with all types of disabilities; Clear and accessible g…

Not Dead Yet in the Smithsonian

…website follow federal accessibility guidelines, which are outlined on the site’s Accessibility Statement page. The website is available at Several Not Dead Yet artifacts are included in the online exhibit, something long planned by its curator, Katherine Ott, who also curated a physical exhibit of these artifacts over a decade ago. A note from Ms. Ott posted with the online exhibit states, “This exhibit physically existed in the…