Action Alert! Speak Out on Proposed Rules for ‘Procuring’ Organs from People with Disabilities

…tion” link to submit comments on the proposal. You can access the proposed rules by accessing this URL: It’s proposal number 9 on the list. Below is the text of the prewritten letter on the Capwiz site. You are more than welcome to modify or personalize the letter (or write your own entirely). This is purely for information purposes – this letter is already on the Capwiz page so you don’t have to copy any of this to send…

NDY President Diane Coleman in DC with ADAPT! (Fighting for Medicaid)

…Paso to Miami to New Hampshire. One more thing: On Sunday, ADAPT had a FunRun to raise funds for ADAPT. Diane Coleman was a runner and it’s not too late to pledge or to donate a flat amount. I, since I’m in Rochester, am listed as a ‘virtual runner’ meaning I was there in spirit. You can support ADAPT and NDY through a donation to my ADAPT page as well. The links are below: Diane Coleman’s FunRun Donation/Sponsor Page Stephen Drake’s ‘Virtual Run…

Dr. Phil: Promoting Killing People with Cognitive Disabilities – And a Close Encounter in 2002

…ow precisely because he knows what Fieger’s take will be. Next he goes to ‘Ruthi.’ We don’t get to see any videos of Ruthi’s kids. She might be an articulate advocate in other venues, but she’s been outmatched here. Not only does the “I want to kill my kids” mom have the stage, but interruptions by Corriveau and Fieger eat up over half of the little time Ruthi has to voice her objections to what is being promoted that day. Next – he asks for a sho…

Canada: Global News Live Blogging Promotion of Killing Disabled Kids Tonight (March 16)

…abled persons as long as the killer says they did it out of mercy. The live blog is starting at 8:00 pm EST and will run until midnight. They are already taking comments (which run by a moderator. Go here to access the main site for the live blog. Go here to start submitting comments now. –Stephen Drake…

Blog recommendation: Smart Ass Cripple on being “A Burden to Society”

…rapper, that’s about 20 minutes. So that carries a price tag of $3.80 a day or $1387 a year. That’s $1941 of taxpayer money eaten up by one man’s bodily functions! And that doesn’t even count all the other stuff my workers do for me, such as putting on my pants ($208 a year), brushing my teeth, ($244) and making my armpit smell like a cool sea breeze ($226). There’s no doubt about it. The numbers don’t lie. I am a burden to society. IMO, this piec…