Settling in – First Post from New Blog Home

…n’t getting blog alerts – but please check the new format. Explore the NDY site – and let us know what you think. WordPress seems pretty easy to adapt to so far. We’ll all know better in the next blog post. That’s when I’ll get to more content-oriented writing again. For now, though. Please check this out and let us know if things are working OK for you in this format or if something isn’t working as well as it used to. That’s all for now. More to…

NY Lawsuit Claims Organ Donor Network Engaged in ‘Shameful Practices,’ Pressuring Staff and Families

…ctims recover,” McMahon told The Post. This could just be a case of a ‘disgruntled’ ex-employee leveling charges against the Organ Donor Network as a way to get even – certainly the charges might seem pretty incredible to most of the public who probably have a hard time believing that scenes such as the ones McMahon alleges could occur in major hospitals in this country. However, to people who are more familiar with some of the controversies surro…

Loose Ends – Last Two Essays on Bill Peace’s ‘Comfort Care As Denial of Personhood’ Up at Hastings Center Bioethics Forum

…g with the commentary posted on the Bioethics Forum at the Hastings Center Site. Just to refresh people’s memories and to provide background info on Bill’s essay and the responses, here’s what we wrote in a previous post: Back in 2010, our friend, colleague and ally Bill Peace, experienced a long, expensive health crisis when he experienced a stage IV skin breakdown – with a long treatment process that was physically and emotionally grueling by hi…

Australia: ABC ‘Ramp-Up’ Editor Writes “The Case Against Peter Singer”

…the same way as humans who are capable of this choice. This is especially true, he says, where the infant has a disability. Young’s writing is excellent – she’s crystal clear, her stories ring true, and she doesn’t overstate Singer’s ethical positions. Judging from the comments so far – over 200 – few people are swayed by the reality that Young and others with very real and significant disabilities enjoy life. “Brilliant” and “brave” are two words…

New Bill Peace-Related Response – ‘Who would want a child like that?’

…ncticide. We don’t have a copy of the article up yet on the newly-revamped site, but I hope we’ll get that rectified in the next couple of weeks. The only reason that I bring it up is that I used information from a Canadian study published in 2001 in the essay: The sentiment for facilitating the deaths of infants with disabilities is evident in numerous research studies. For example, in 2001, Streiner and colleagues published a study in Pediatrics…