Canada: Toujours Vivant-Not Dead Yet Director Amy Hasbrouck on CBC panel on possible Quebec Move to Legalize Assisted Suicide

…tion of assisted suicide and euthanasia. Here’s a description from the CBC site: Quebec’s Right to Die Legislation: Will other provinces follow? This week, the province of Quebec announced its intention to legalize some cases of physician-assisted suicide. It puts the province in direct conflict with Canada’s Criminal Code, which prohibits all forms of assisted suicide. But a panel of legal experts advised the province that end-of- life care can f…

A “Must-Read” From Ezekiel Emanuel on Better “End of Life” Care

…ckers had to say about the allegations: The nonpartisan Web site described McCaughey’s claim as a “ridiculous falsehood.”[39][42][43][44] said, “We agree that Emanuel’s meaning is being twisted. In one article, he was talking about a philosophical trend, and in another, he was writing about how to make the most ethical choices when forced to choose which patients get organ transplants or vaccines when supplies are limi…

Minnesota: Final Exit Network Argues Assisted Suicide Law Violates Free Speech Rights in Court

…illness or intractable pain” and meet other criteria, according to the group’s website. “We do not encourage anyone to end their life, are opposed to anyone’s encouraging another to end his life, do not provide the means to do so, and do not assist in a person’s death,” the website says. (Emphasis added.) Isn’t it about time that FEN took that claim off their site? It would also be refreshing for certain folks dazzled by the legal arguments to st…

Montana: Diane Coleman Letter on Elder Abuse and Assisted Suicide Published in Missoulian

…s. A more obvious problem is a complete lack of oversight when the lethal drug is administered. If an abuser were to administer the drug without the person’s consent, who would know? It is simply naive to suggest that assisted suicide can be added to the array of medical treatment options, without taking into account the harsh realities of elder abuse and the related potential for coercion. For more information about problems with legalization of…

Blast From the Past – 2009 Musings on Final Exit Network, Zealotry and Groupthink

…e, but the article itself should be available for purchase through the AJC site.) Final Exit Network, Zealotry and Groupthink March 10, 2009 | posted by Stephen Drake The latest story from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution centers on Dr. Lawrence Egbert, the “medical director” of Final Exit Network (FEN). According to the AJC, Egbert’s own words describe him as some sort of Bizarro-world version of Will Rogers, who said “I never met a man I didn’t…