Followup – Corrects Errors in Euthanasia Story While Associated Press Ignores Its Errors

…tatement of News Values and Principles, and it takes a strong strong, ethical stance on dealing with errors: CORRECTIONS/CORRECTIVES: Staffers must notify supervisory editors as soon as possible of errors or potential errors, whether in their work or that of a colleague. Every effort should be made to contact the staffer and his or her supervisor before a correction is moved. When we’re wrong, we must say so as soon as possible. When we make a cor…

UK: ‘Locked-In’ Tony Nicklinson Loses Court Bid for Euthanasia; Second Thoughts and NDY in Coverage

…e support in the community and even a little more from your paycheck to support the services and supports needed for many disabled people to live decent lives. It doesn’t cost a penny to support suicide for people with disabilities. And it supports the notion that since our lives suck anyway, the best help we can receive is to make it easier for us to kill ourselves. What has changed this time is that there is a little more outreach from some majo…

Press Release: Disability Group Urges Institute of Medicine (IOM) to Remedy “Glaring Omission” in Membership on End-of-Life Committee

…state of end-of-life care with respect to delivery of medical care and social support; patient-family-provider communication of values and preferences; advance care planning; health care cost, financing and reimbursement; and education of health professionals, patients and their loved ones. The study will also explore approaches to advance the issues surrounding the end of life from a wide variety of perspectives including clinical care and delive…

NPR’s Morning Edition Covers the Organ Procurement Debate

…on should be raised with patients or their families. The guidelines say local hospitals and organ procurement organizations should decide individually how to handle that question. “I’m worried about it,” says Dr. Stuart Youngner, a bioethicist at Case Western Reserve University, noting that there’s long been a clear line between the decision to discontinue care and to donate organs. “From the beginning the organ transplantation establishment has r…

Last Day to Submit Input to IOM Committee on Approaching Death – Personal Story

…ollowing personal story involving some disturbing communications from medical professionals a couple years ago when I had some acute respiratory problems. Question 1: If you are an individual living with a serious progressive illness or condition, or a loved one of an individual please describe your experiences receiving care. Your stories may include how you have talked with health care providers, your family, and friends; how you have discussed…