NY Court of Appeals Rally – Two Photos and Coverage

…ld and rainy afternoon outside the New York Court of Appeals. The friend-of-the-court brief filed by NDY and joined by ten other national and state Disability Rights Amici was mentioned twice during oral argument in the case, favorably, by counsel for the Attorney General and by one of the Justices. The recorded webcast of the argument is scheduled to be posted online on the Court’s website next week. Two photos are below, followed by some links t…

Oregon State Assisted Suicide Reports Substantiate Critics’ Concerns

…are not pain or fear of future pain, but psychological issues that are all-too-familiar to the disability community: “loss of autonomy” (92%), “less able to engage in activities” (90%), “loss of dignity” (79%), “losing control of bodily functions” (48%), and “burden on others” (41%). These reasons for requesting assisted suicide pertain to disability and indicate that over 90% of the reported individuals, possibly as many as 100%, are disabled. T…

NDY Release: “Me Before You” Protesters Call For PSA To Prevent Copycat Suicides

Contacts: Diane Coleman 708-420-0539 John Kelly 617-536-5140 For Immediate Release: “Me Before You” Protesters Call For PSA To Prevent Copycat Suicides Disability rights advocates who protested the film “Me Before You” in cities across the United States are calling on Warner Brothers to add a public service announcement to further releases of the film to help prevent copycat suicides. In a letter sent today to Kevin Tsujihara, CEO of Warner Broth…

“Me Before You” Protesters Call For PSA To Prevent Copycat Suicides

Contacts: Diane Coleman 708-420-0539 John Kelly 617-536-5140 For Immediate Release: “Me Before You” Protesters Call For PSA To Prevent Copycat Suicides Disability rights advocates who protested the film “Me Before You” in cities across the United States are calling on Warner Brothers to add a public service announcement to further releases of the film to help prevent copycat suicides. In a letter sent today to Kevin Tsujihara, CEO of Warner Broth…

Letter to Warner Brothers re Me Before You

…n unprecedented level of response to Me Before You’s anti-disability better-dead-than-disabled narrative, over 20 articles and blogs by disability advocates and scholars have been published in the mainstream and disability press. The opposition to the messages contained in the film has also been reported by mainstream media, including Buzzfeed, MSNBC, and many more. Direct actions by disability advocates leafleting at theaters have occurred in ove…