Me Before You Sign On Letter to Warner Brothers

…In an unprecedented level of response to this film’s anti-disability better-dead-than-disabled narrative, over 20 articles and blogs by disability advocates and scholars have been published in mainstream and disability press. This has also been reported by mainstream media, including Buzzfeed, MSNBC and many more. Direct actions by disability advocates leafleting at theaters have occurred in over 15 U.S. cities and at least four countries. Would a…

Press Release: Disability Advocates Applaud New Mexico Supreme Court Ruling In Assisted Suicide Case

…isabled persons—from the risk of subtle coercion and undue influence in end-of-life situations, including pressures associated with the substantial financial burden of end-of-life health care costs; and (3) protecting against voluntary or involuntary euthanasia because if physician aid in dying is a constitution alright, it must be made available to everyone, even when a duly appointed surrogate makes the decision, and even when the patient is una…

Disability Advocates Applaud New Mexico Supreme Court Ruling In Assisted Suicide Case

…hts attorney Steve Gold and New Mexico counsel Lara Katz in filing a friend-of-the-court brief in the case. Joining Not Dead Yet in the brief were ADAPT, the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, the Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund, the National Council on Independent Living and United Spinal Association, collectively referred to as the “Disability Amici.” “Our basic position is that when some people get suicide prevention while other people…

John Kelly: Urging California Governor Brown to Veto! Veto! Veto!

…le. Immigrants. Newly injured people. 3. Email Governor Jerry Brown in Easy-to-Follow Steps Go online to the contact form. At “Purpose of communication,” click “Need Help.” At “PLEASE CHOOSE YOUR SUBJECT” click on “Legislation Issues/Concerns.” Click on the box for wanting a reply to your email. Ask Governor Brown to VETO the assisted suicide bill AB2x 15 . A few lines are plenty! Plenty of material at Second Thoughts homepage.. If you are out of…

John Kelly: Not Dead Yet and Second Thoughts make strong showing at Rhode Island hearing

…talogs the recent efforts: Leaders of Compassion & Choices and other “right-to-die” organizations have publicly stated their intent to come back later to expand beyond “six months,” “terminally ill,” and “mentally competent.” At a gathering in Hartford, Connecticut in October 2014, Compassion & Choices president Barbara Coombs Lee declared her support for assisted suicide for people with dementia and cognitive disabilities unable to consent. CT Ne…