WA, USA: Assisted Suicide Advocates Push Documents for People with Dementia to “Refuse” Spoon-Feeding

…le using the state’s 2009 Death with Dignity Act, recently posted new “Instructions for Oral Feeding and Drinking” on its website. Aimed at people with Alzheimer’s disease and other progressive dementias, the document provides a two-page template for patients to instruct caregivers not to provide oral food or fluids under certain circumstances. There’s another document explaining the do’s and don’ts of using it. The instructions are ground-breakin…

Disability Advocates Protest Senate Leader Over Cuts to Medicaid

…abled Americans who will either die or be forced into institutions,” said Bruce Darling, an ADAPT organizer taking part in the protest. “Our lives and liberty shouldn’t be stolen to give a tax break to the wealthy. That’s truly un-American.” Protesters include Anita Cameron, Not Dead Yet’s director of minority outreach, as well as other NDY activists. “For people who live in states where assisted suicide is legal, this will be a deadly combination…

Guest Blog by W. Carol Cleigh: Not Paying Attention

…rnia. I’ve come back to active status in Not Dead Yet through the issue intruding on my otherwise quiet life. First early last year, a friend told me about another friend of hers who was being systematically starved to death in a nursing home despite being willing and able to feed herself. Apparently a relative that lives far from here had her put in the nursing home following a heart attack to ‘recover,’ then ordered them not to feed her. Despite…

Two Disability Statements Issued After the Election of President-Elect Trump

…d unity is essential to our cause. ADAPT’s Open Letter to President-Elect Trump President-Elect Trump, The Disability Community is a diverse community made up of people from different races, faiths, political beliefs, and backgrounds. Our community is the only inevitable minority: if a person lives long enough, they will eventually become disabled. Therefore, our interests are not partisan, but human; not political, but practical. We want all peop…


…Japan who were murdered and the 26 people that survived on July 26, 2016. Joining us as a guest host is Dr. Michael Gillan Peckitt, an academic who lives in Nada-Ku, Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. He runs a disability related website ‘The Limping Philosopher’ and you can find him on Twitter: @Peckitt. Lots more about how to participate on this page. Go read all of it here….