Second Thoughts Connecticut Press Release: Assisted Suicide Is Bad Medicine

…5:30) Second Thoughts Connecticut Website: Facebook: Twitter: Assisted Suicide Is Bad Medicine. How Can Legislators Represent Us If They Cannot Talk to Us? January 11, 2021 (Manchester, CT) – People with disabilities fear for their lives during the pandemic, and like everyone else mus…

Not Dead Yet, et al. v. Andrew Cuomo, Governor, et al. Class Action Complaint

…otect their interests. 139. Plaintiffs’ claims satisfy the requirements of Rule 23(b)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, because Defendant has acted on grounds generally applicable to the named Plaintiffs and each absent member of the proposed class, thereby making final adjudicative and declaratory relief appropriate with respect to the proposed Class as a whole. FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF TITLE II OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT 42 U…

A Disability Perspective on the Issue of Physician Assisted Suicide – Disability and Health Journal

…t disadvantage can be seen even now in Gloria Krahn’s description of the struggle within the organization. Among other things, she describes a “compromise” that was reached over terminology. At the insistence of the Disability Section members, “Death with Dignity” was rejected as a term for assisted suicide, but “aid in dying” was put in its place. Those of us familiar with the marketing efforts of pro-assisted suicide advocates know that “aid in…

Philadelphia: Young Girl Being Denied Transplant Because Her “Retardation” Doesn’t Make Her “Worthy”

…ation I shared on this blog that’s very relevant in the immediate present: Ruben Navarro would probably have been rejected out of hand as eligible for being a recipient if he had needed a transplant. It makes the circus of horrors accompanying the rush to make him a donor all the more appalling. No one knows how many individuals with cognitive disabilities experience discrimination – even fatal discrimination – in the US medical system. But every…

Not Dead Yet (USA) Submission Opposing New Zealand End of Life Choice Bill

…of Claims About Assisted Suicide in Oregon In 1997, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a federal constitutional right to assisted suicide does NOT exist[8], but noted that individual states might be able to experiment with laws pertaining to the practice. Since 1994, and despite over 200 attempts in over 36 states,[9] only five of the 50 states and the District of Columbia have legalized the practice by statute, beginning with Oregon in 1997 by bal…