Stephanie Woodward’s Testimony for ADAPT Opposing NY Assisted Suicide Bills

…ents/olmstead-cabinet-report101013.pdf [2] D. Humphrey and M. Clement, Freedom to Die: People, Politics, and the Right-to-Die Movement (St. Martin’s Press 1998). [3] Video of Ann Bell on her 101st Birthday, available at: [4] Oregon Death with Dignity Act 2017 Data Summary, page 10, available at…

Muster Our Voices and Social Media To Oppose Assisted Suicide In Massachusetts!

…. Learn more and take action against dangerous assisted suicide laws here: . Nothing in S1384/H2381 can stop a bad actor from steering someone towards assisted suicide, picking up the lethal dose, and even administering the drug — no witnesses are required at the death. Tell legislators not to pass this dangerous bill…

Text of NDY Spoken Comments on Futile Care Laws and Policies Before the National Council on Disability

…addressing this critical concern. [1] Nondiscrimination In Treatment Act,   [2] M Ollove, Oklahoma’s ‘Life-Preserving’ Law Raises Questions for Doctors, Stateline, May 16, 2013,   [3] T Pope, Defending Disability Discrimination,, May 31, 2013, http://www.b…

Three recommended reads: Bill Peace on “Ashley and Me,” L Syd M Johnson critque of Jacob Appel on PVS and April Michelle Herndon on the “Magic Pill” Question

…radical intervention? Today my outrage has been replaced by a sense of discomfort and vulnerability. Beyond my personal feelings, I think the Ashley treatment is critically important because two extreme views exist that have become entrenched. The doctors in Seattle who initiated the Ashley treatment, and its proponents, firmly believe they have helped one child and potentially many more. In contrast, many people with disabilities, like me, consi…

W. Carol Cleigh: Bigotry in the BDTD (Better Dead Than Disabled) Movement

…ictims and law-enforcement seldom if ever fully investigates these deaths ( I’ve asked BDTD proponents many times how many disabled people murdered are too many and I’ve never received an answer. They seem quite comfortable promoting death for us all. So, the BDTD movement is once again failing to hide the fact that t…