NDY Public Comment to the National Council on Disability Urging Reissue of Position paper on Assisted Suicide

…th disabilities . . . . At least until such time as our society provides a comprehensive, fully-funded, and operational system of assistive living services for people with disabilities, this is the only position that the National Council on Disability can, in good conscience, support. The issue became one of national significance again in 2005-2006, when the U.S. Department of Justice challenged the Oregon assisted suicide law under drug licensing…

New Hampshire: Testimony Against Assisted Suicide Bill at House Judiciary Committee

…this element of the bill at the Not Dead Yet blog at http://notdeadyetnewscommentary.blogspot.com/2009/01/new-hampshire-poised-to-redefine.html. If pro-assisted suicide advocates were hoping to dominate the testimony today, they are in for disappointment. New Hampshire activists Bunny McLeod and Tom Cagle offered personal testimony. The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) submitted written testimony by Marilyn Golden. Dr. Ira Byo…

NDY Testimony Letter Opposing Minnesota Assisted Suicide Bill SF 1880

…a society where one in ten elders are abused according to federal figures [http://www.healthline.com/health-news/senior-elder-abuse-more-common-than-you-think-012714]. The abusers are usually family members. About half the people reported to use assisted suicide in Oregon did not have a health provider present at the time of death. With no independent witness required, there is no evidence that they self-administered the lethal drugs, or even that…

Cathy Ludlum: “We will be the collateral damage” of assisted suicide

…cscholar.org/196b/2ab9f5a29e2e41e7958d35c055a26d5f4386.pdf 4 The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, “Some Oregon and Washington State Assisted Suicide Abuses and Complications” https://dredf.org/public-policy/assisted-suicide/some-oregon-assisted-suicide-abuses-and- complications/…

EPC Conference Day 2 text

…th Morphine so I couldn’t feel it.” How We Die, Values, Choices, Conflicts http://stories-2.com/HowWeDie/story?sid=4 Terrie’s Story Disability = Death: “Better Dead than Disabled” Popular culture romanticizes the death of people like me. From films like “Whose Life Is It Anyway?,”“Million-Dollar Baby,” “The Sea Inside,” and last year’s hit “Me Before You,” people are taught that lives like mine are a humiliating burden calling out for death. Major…