Not Dead Yet Testimony Opposing Hawaii Assisted Suicide Bill HB 2739

…r. Kathleen Foley, please read Physician-Assisted Suicide in Oregon: A Medical Perspective.[2] Moreover, revisions to last year’s bill in the 2018 bill do nothing to address the fundamental deficiencies identified below. The focus of the discussion below is the Oregon Health Division data.[3] These reports are based on forms filed with the state by the physicians who prescribe lethal doses and the pharmacies that dispense the drugs. As the early s…

Press Release: Disability Advocates Applaud New Mexico Supreme Court Ruling In Assisted Suicide Case

…legitimate interests in (1) protecting the integrity and ethics of the medical profession; (2) protecting vulnerable groups—including the poor, the elderly, and disabled persons—from the risk of subtle coercion and undue influence in end-of-life situations, including pressures associated with the substantial financial burden of end-of-life health care costs; and (3) protecting against voluntary or involuntary euthanasia because if physician aid in…

Two Disability Advocates Speak at NY Press Conference Opposing Assisted Suicide Bills

…bills establishing a state sponsored program of suicide facilitated by medical providers, leading with a good title – Physician-Assisted Suicide Faces Pushback– and using some quotes as well as describing some arguments against the bills pending in New York. Inexplicably, however, the Times Union completely omitted two speakers, Meghan Schoeffling and Adam Prizio, who represented state disability groups – the NY Association on Independent Living (…

California Assisted Suicide Law Is Denounced By Leading Disability Rights Policy Center

…Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) (510) 549-9339 CALIFORNIA ASSISTED SUICIDE LAW IS DENOUNCED BY LEADING DISABILITY RIGHTS POLICY CENTER Announces national web resource for reporting abuses and other problems Berkeley, CA – June 7, 2016 – The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, a leading national disability rights law and policy center based in Berkeley, California, denounces the enactment of California’s End of…

Testimony of Diane Coleman, JD, President/CEO of Not Dead Yet Opposing Hawaii HB 2739

…r. Kathleen Foley, please read Physician-Assisted Suicide in Oregon: A Medical Perspective.[2] Moreover, revisions to last year’s bill in the 2018 bill do nothing to address the fundamental deficiencies identified below. The focus of the discussion below is the Oregon Health Division data.[3] These reports are based on forms filed with the state by the physicians who prescribe lethal doses and the pharmacies that dispense the drugs. As the early s…