Disability Rights Organizations Statement Opposing Assisted Suicide Laws and Supporting Health Care

…ne doctor says “no,” people can “doctor shop” for that “yes.” No psychological evaluation is required, putting depressed people in danger. The highly touted “safeguards” turn out to be truly hollow, with no real enforcement or investigation authority. Assisted suicide is a prescription for abuse: an heir or abusive caregiver can steer someone towards assisted suicide, witness the request, pick up the lethal dose, and in the end, even administer th…

Disability Advocates Applaud New Mexico Supreme Court Ruling In Assisted Suicide Case

…legitimate interests in (1) protecting the integrity and ethics of the medical profession; (2) protecting vulnerable groups—including the poor, the elderly, and disabled persons—from the risk of subtle coercion and undue influence in end-of-life situations, including pressures associated with the substantial financial burden of end-of-life health care costs; and (3) protecting against voluntary or involuntary euthanasia because if physician aid in…

Live On: Disabled Lives are Worth Living!!

…ng people with disabilities face bullying, youth and adults with disabilities can be forced into nursing facilities, and plenty of people and businesses still discriminate against us every day. Whether you were born with your disability, your disability has slowly progressed as you grew older, or you suddenly acquired your disability, the challenges you face are real. But you can get through them! Some people do not think they can get through the…

ADAPT’s Powerful Statement in Response to US House Passage of “Healthcare” Law

…ng term services and supports. NDY applauds ADAPT’s powerful statement and call to action. We must all make our voices heard before it’s too late!] ADAPT Statement in Response to Passage of the American Health Care Act in the US House of Representatives The ADAPT Community is gravely concerned by the House of Representatives’ ill-considered passage of the American Health Care Act (AHCA). The legislation, which received significant amendments only…

NY Court of Appeals Rally – Two Photos and Coverage

…photos appeared in the Albany Times Union story, though the disability advocates were not mentioned in the text. Eight disability advocates lined up on sidewalk at Court building, in rain gear, all behind two hot pink parade banners with the words “Not Dead Yet, We want to live!” Eight disability advocates lined up in front of Court building, two in wheelchairs, all in rain gear, with a hot pink NDY banner and signs saying “Help to Live, Not to Di…