Assisted Suicide News Story Includes NDY Protest In Albany

A June 30th Washington, D.C. news story, Medical aid in dying: States debate right-to-die laws, included a photo from a Not Dead Yet protest held at a press conference held by assisted suicide proponents which was covered in this blog in early May (Disability Activists Crash Pro-Assisted Suicide Press Conference). Though giving more space and first prominence to proponents, the June 30th article includes opponents in video interviews, photos and…

Connecticut News: Strong Disability Advocacy and Great Result

…ed my Forum piece about this (, March 14, 2014. We continue to clearly see these bills for what they are: another piece of the medical cost-cutting agenda that seeks to “ration” health care for the most vulnerable among us — the poor, elderly and disabled. As a life-long activist for peace and justice, it is beyond my understanding how anyone claiming human rig…

ABC News: NDY’s Stephen Drake Interviewed for Stephen Hawking Story and additional info/context

…been the case with me,” he told the interviewer, according to the Guardian newspaper. Advocates said his position reversal will help fuel more acceptance of physician-assisted death in the United States. But a prominent disability group opposed to favorable laws in Oregon, Washington state and Montana, said Hawking’s words should not trump the “millions” of disabled Americans who say legalized “suicide” makes them more vulnerable. Hawking, now 71…

American Medical News – “Kevorkian leaves mixed legacy” (NDY Quoted)

…e excerpts from the article Dr. Kevorkian leaves mixed legacy by Carolyne Krupa: The death of pathologist Jack Kevorkian, MD, left many pondering the long-term influence of a highly controversial figure and what role he may have played in transforming the nation’s perception of dying. Some think his aggressive push for physician-assisted suicide forced the medical profession to take a closer look at care of the terminally ill. But others say Dr. K…

Dr. Phil: Promoting Killing People with Cognitive Disabilities – And a Close Encounter in 2002

…at Fieger’s take will be. Next he goes to ‘Ruthi.’ We don’t get to see any videos of Ruthi’s kids. She might be an articulate advocate in other venues, but she’s been outmatched here. Not only does the “I want to kill my kids” mom have the stage, but interruptions by Corriveau and Fieger eat up over half of the little time Ruthi has to voice her objections to what is being promoted that day. Next – he asks for a show of hands from the audience – h…