PBS Airs Frontline “The Suicide Plan” – Video Tape Exposes Final Exit Network’s Big Lie

…of arrests of members of the Final Exit Network (FEN) in Georgia made the news in February, 2009 – there was a disturbing allegation in addition to assisting/facilitating the suicide of John Celmer, a man who had gone through tough cancer treatments, but was cancer-free at the time of his death. The following is an excerpt posted in the NDY blog taken from an article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution – an article that is now only available thro…

Important News From NDY UK: Noel Conway Loses His Assisted Suicide Court Case

…ooking at the picture of Noel Conway wearing a breathing mask like mine in today’s Guardian article “Terminally ill Noel Conway loses challenge to assisted dying ban“, I can’t help but feel a profound sense of relief. I acknowledge that acquiring a progressive neuromuscular disability later in life as Conway did is different than growing up with one as I did, but his claim of being “entombed” by his illness is more a reflection of his personal psy…

In the news: Canada SC Case

…“Assisted suicide debate masks disability prejudice.”: But when I tune in today to watch the webcast of the case, I shall be standing not with Dying with Dignity, but with millions of Canadians with disabilities and their families — ordinary Canadians who have laboured for decades to secure a vision of equality, dignity and liberty that includes us all. It’s that history that won the day in Canada’s internationally regarded Charter of Rights and…

Second Thoughts MA protest gains important news coverage

…ell Paye, Jon Ball, John Robinson and Dr. Rich Florentine. The State House News Service (SHNS) provided unusually balanced coverage of the disability led demonstration against the assisted suicide bill currently before the Massachusetts legislature. While it is all too common to see only a brief paragraph or sentence about opponents near the end of a lengthy article favoring physician assisted suicide laws, SHNS started with and frequently returne…

Victory in Connecticut! News Coverage, Lisa Blumberg’s Letter Published

…Aid in Dying”]. With the healthcare system so broken and so many people struggling to get the care and practical support they need to live their lives the way they want despite difficulties, it is absurd to suggest that allowing doctors to prescribe death causing drugs to a certain patient subclass would do anything to promote autonomy. It would merely enable an indifferent society to take the easy way out. What’s pro-choice about that? Lisa Blum…