Anne Sommers Testimony for NDY in Opposition to District of Columbia Assisted Suicide Bill B21-38

…uary 2011), accessed July 9, 2015, [8] N. Gregory Hamilton, M.D. and Catherine Hamilton, M.A., “Competing Paradigms of Responding to Assisted-Suicide Requests in Oregon: Case Report,” presented at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, New York, New York, May 6, 2004. [9] Oregon Health Authority, “Death with Dignity Act Annual Repo…

President of ASAN Under Attack – Including Death Threats

…ritten by John Best, who writes by the name “foresam.” His reaction to the news about the Newsweek article was to write a blog post titled: Ask Newsweek to Kill Ari Ne’eman. To be fair, the post itself refers to “killing” the article: I hear that Newsweek is going to run another article allowing the sadist, Ari Ne’eman, to lie to the world about autism. Before that comes out, I think it’s useful for sane people to ask Newsweek to kill this article…

Laura Hershey : 1962-2010

…My disability gives me different view on Terri Schindler-Schiavo case U.S. News & World Report: Handicap is Not a Death Sentence and Should Not be Treated as One You can find much more about Laura and her work at the memorial site that has been set up for friends and admirers to share thoughts and memories with others: Celebrating the Life of Laura Hershey NDY’s founder – Diane Coleman – has known Laura for a long time, both being “regulars” in AD…

Lisa Blumberg: Promoting the Better Dead Than Disabled Ethos to Kids

….gov/pmc/articles/PMC6882029/ Ibid., pg. 1,4 Ibid.,pg. 23 Ibid., pp. 12-14 Ibid., pg. 4…

Message from ASAN: Join in Disability Day of Mourning

…their own murder at the hands of the person they should have been able to trust the most, and ultimately forgotten. And then the cycle repeats. Today, we gather, and speak the names of those taken from us. But in doing so, we do not just mourn. We kindle new hope, of the possibility of a better world, one in which disabled Americans are recognized as equal and disabled blood is not viewed as cheap and easy to spill. We remember our own – and in do…