NDY and Center for Disability Rights Comment Letter to New York Medicaid Opposing “Conversation Ready” Project As a Way to Save Money

…s on End-of-Life Medical Treatments, November 21, 2013, http://www.pewforum.org/2013/11/21/views-on-end-of-life-medical-treatments/] The “Conversation Ready” project is focused on safety net providers. As such, the following Core Component is extremely deceptive and will incentivize “choosing” death over living with a disability. Identify care coordinators to work with community based and faith based partners to facilitate End of Life planning in…

Testimony of Meghan Schrader

…its Convention on The Rights of People with Disabilities https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2021/01/disability-not-reason-sanction-medically-assisted-dying-un-experts Compassion and Choices has acknowledged that an eating disorder specialist published a case study about helping people with eating disorders kill themselves with “MAiD,” (https://psychnews.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/appi.pn.2022.11.9.4 , https://www.compassionandchoi…

Disability Advocates Show Up to Oppose Evanston City Council Assisted Suicide Resolution

…Advocacy, Access Living. Media contact: Bridget Hayman bhayman@accessliving.org or (312) 640-2129 : www.accessliving.org “I oppose the legalization of assisted suicide because it leads to cases of abuse towards people with disabilities. The safeguards which are available have not been effective. In addition, terminal diagnoses are notoriously unreliable, with no assurance of consistency. It can be, and has been, offered by insurance companies inst…

Canada: Woman Goes on Hunger Strike After Being Denied Basic Care – Help Needed

…ormation and ideas on how people can help: http://ballastexistenz.autistics.org/?p=572 and http://ballastexistenz.autistics.org/?p=573 2. Send an email to the following people to urge them to intervene on Minna’s behalf so she can receive the home care services that she is asking for: Sudbury MPP Rick Bartolucci Constituency Office email: rbartolucci.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services email: rick.bartolucci…

Wendi Wicks’ Hard Hitting Oral Testimony Against NZ End of Life Choices Bill

…sabled lives and their use accords our life a lesser value. That is just not adequate. Assisted dying is the equivalent of a zero-hours contract with life In summary, the bill is unjust, dangerously flawed in thought and in wording. NDYA has not detailed the gaps. A patch-up job on this would not be useful, as it would be bad law, and bad for the public interest. NDYA urges you strenuously to remember that individual choices are not a good basis f…