NDY President Diane Coleman in DC with ADAPT! (Fighting for Medicaid)

…eport compiled by Tim Wheat of Boulder ADAPT, which can be found at http://www.adapt.org/freeourpeople/2012/. Daily reports are often posted very late at night or in the mornings and they have some good eyewitness reports. BE ON THE LOOKOUT for Twitter or Facebook messages from us asking you to take action by making phone calls or letters. In the past, you have been so helpful by blitzing our targets with messages when asked—we will need your help…

Cathy Ludlum: “We will be the collateral damage” of assisted suicide

…orton, “Affidavit in Opposition to Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia” http://www.massagainstassistedsuicide.org/2012/09/john-norton-cautionary-tale.html 3 Carol J. Gill, PhD, “Suicide Intervention for People with Disabilities: A Lesson in Inequality” https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/196b/2ab9f5a29e2e41e7958d35c055a26d5f4386.pdf 4 The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, “Some Oregon and Washington State Assisted Suicide Abuses and Complicat…

Connecticut: Affidavit of Nancy B. Alisberg in Motion to Intervene in Assisted Suicide Suit

…nsented to the order. The brother also signed a Do Not Resuscitate (“DNR”) order. These orders were approved by the Department of Developmental Services (then the Department of Mental Retardation). 5. When OPA learned of this situation, I immediately brought a motion in probate court to begin nutrition and hydration, and to remove the “DNR” order. The court granted my motion. The woman is now happily living in a group home and has learned to live…

What Happens When Someone Wants Life-Saving Treatment, But Their Guardian Disagrees?

…Equality persuaded the attorney that the hospital was indeed bound by the order under the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the U.S. Constitution, and the hospital soon relented to the order and administered the dialysis. Darrell lived for nine more days. His mother, who had maintained close contact with her son for decades, related to Equip for Equality that Darrell’s last days were spent with her and his siblings and that the extra days obtained…

Introducing the Not Dead Yet Video Blog!

…r suggestions for future video topics. To learn more about our work, visit www.NotDeadYet.org. Thanks. A quick addendum to this episode of the Not Dead Yet vlog. I put it in a visual medium but totally forgot to describe it verbally in the video, but all of the citations for any sources we cited throughout the video are going to be available in the video description, and they’re numbered in the order that they occurred over the course of the video…