With National Day of Mourning, Disability Community Remembers Disabled Victims of Domestic Violence

…lity,” said Ms. Gross. “This is the view that was aired on Canadian Global News and in many news articles covering the murder of George Hodgins. Many people are quick to justify the murder of a disabled person when they would offer no such justification if the murder victim were not disabled.” ASAN and Not Dead Yet have declared a National Day of Mourning in response to George Hodgins’ murder, Robert Latimer’s television appearance and what they d…

Belated News – Lisa Blumberg Powerful Op-Ed Published, But Then Bad CA Bill Signed

…eiving and taking a lethal prescription could take less time than for the drugs to work. It has occasionally taken people up to 72 hours to die with the drugs having bad side eects. Reducing the waiting period discounts and indeed mocks the profound, irreversible nature of causing one’s own death. Oregon data indicate uncontrollable pain is not a primary reason that people request lethal prescriptions. Instead, it is open for psychosocial or exist…

The Opioid Crisis the News Isn’t Talking About

…these medications, too often doctors are essentially abandoning those who truly need access to opioids. Opioid abuse is a problem, but it is not a problem for the overwhelming majority[11] of the disability community or others with chronic pain. It’s a problem for those who have already been abusing these medications. Those are typically not people who need these medications to handle long-term chronic pain. Yet, as sometimes misguided approaches…

Colorado ADAPT, NDY Tell Assisted Suicide Advocates They Will Resist Legalization – NDY Board Member Anita Cameron Interviewed on Local News

Last month, we shared a press release issued by Colorado activists from Not Dead Yet and ADAPT protesting an appearance by Compassion and Choices CEO Barbara Coombs Lee in Boulder, Colorado. Since then, it’s become apparent that Colorado is indeed one of the states being targeted for legalization of assisted suicide. KUSA Channel 9 broadcast a story about proposed legislation that featured parts of an interview with NDY board member Anita Cameron…

News From Gallup, But Pew Study is Better

A new Gallup report is entitled “Seven in 10 Americans Back Euthanasia,” but that’s a misleading opening. First, the question was: “When a person has a disease that cannot be cured, do you think doctors should be allowed by law to end the patient’s life by some painless means if the patient and his or her family request it?” According to the poll, 69% say “yes,” down from 75% in 2005. Support drops to 58% when the Gallup question is: “When a pers…