RESEARCH – Study finds that antisocial personality traits linked to embracing utilitarian ethics – (like those promoted by Peter Singer)

…y used by behavioral scientists who study morality, like the following: “A runaway trolley is about to run over and kill five people, and you are standing on a footbridge next to a large stranger; your body is too light to stop the train, but if you push the stranger onto the tracks, killing him, you will save the five people. Would you push the man?” Participants also completed a set of three personality scales: one for assessing psychopathic tra…

NDY Statement on the First Anniversary of the Sagamihara Murders

…and advocate for our right to enjoy our lives and freedom like everyone else. Across the world, let’s work together for a time when we can gather, not to mourn our murdered dead, but to celebrate our achievement of equality and justice for all disabled people. *** A year ago, NDY reported on news coverage of the killings here, and the National Council on Independent Living issued a statement here. A recent report in Japan Times states that the kil…

President of ASAN Under Attack – Including Death Threats

…ritten by John Best, who writes by the name “foresam.” His reaction to the news about the Newsweek article was to write a blog post titled: Ask Newsweek to Kill Ari Ne’eman. To be fair, the post itself refers to “killing” the article: I hear that Newsweek is going to run another article allowing the sadist, Ari Ne’eman, to lie to the world about autism. Before that comes out, I think it’s useful for sane people to ask Newsweek to kill this article…

John Callahan – A Talented and Twisted Voice Is Gone

…t the age of 59. I first heard the news from Laura Hershey, who posted the news on Facebook. I’m pretty sure the first disability blogger to write about his death was Ruth at Wheelie Catholic, who gave the following account: Sadly John Callahan has passed away. He was 59 years old and died of complications from his spinal cord injury. Known mostly for his cartoons, (which appeared for 27 years in Williamette Week), Callahan authored the biography…

Satire Alert: “The Spoof” Says Alan Simpson Wants to Eliminate Suicide Prevention for Seniors and Veterans

…ady been said in last year’s post. So I was glad to see this show up in my news feed. And – before anyone blows a gasket – please remember it’s a satire piece, not real news. Deficit Reduction Co-Chair Alan Simpson Wants to Eliminate Suicide Prevention for Elderly and Veterans WASHINGTON,DC – Ex-Senator Alan Simpson (R-WY) raised eyebrows again today in comments he made at an event to publicize “World Suicide Prevention Day.” On September 10th, ev…